The READMEConfig
class sphinx_readme.config.READMEConfig(app)View on GitHubο
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class READMEConfig: def __init__(self, app: Sphinx): self.logger = logger self.src_dir = Path(app.srcdir) self.repo_dir = get_repo_dir() self.out_dir = get_conf_val(app, 'readme_out_dir') self.src_files = get_conf_val(app, 'readme_src_files') self.tags = Tags(get_conf_val(app, "readme_tags")) self.rst_prolog = get_conf_val(app, 'rst_prolog') or "" self.rst_epilog = get_conf_val(app, 'rst_epilog') or "" self.html_context = get_conf_val(app, "html_context") self.html_baseurl = get_conf_val(app, "html_baseurl", "").rstrip("/") self.docs_url_type = get_conf_val(app, 'readme_docs_url_type') self.replace_attrs = get_conf_val(app, 'readme_replace_attrs') self.inline_markup = get_conf_val(app, 'readme_inline_markup') self.raw_directive = get_conf_val(app, 'readme_raw_directive') self.rubric_heading = get_conf_val(app, 'readme_rubric_heading') self.admonition_icons = get_conf_val(app, 'readme_admonition_icons') self.include_directive = get_conf_val(app, 'readme_include_directive') self.default_admonition_icon = get_conf_val(app, 'readme_default_admonition_icon') #: The git blob to use when linking to the project's repository self.repo_blob: str = get_conf_val(app, "readme_blob") #: The base URL of the project's repository self.repo_url: str = self.get_repo_url() #: The base URL for the :attr:`repo_blob` blob of the project's repository self.blob_url: str = get_blob_url( repo_url=self.repo_url, blob=self.repo_blob ) #: The URL to use when resolving :mod:`~.sphinx.ext.autodoc` cross-references self.docs_url: str = self.get_docs_url() if self.docs_url_type == "code": self.setup_linkcode_resolve(app) def get_repo_url(self) -> str: """Generates the URL of the project's repository from the :external+sphinx:confval:`html_context` dict :raises ExtensionError: if ``html_context`` is undefined or missing values """ if not self.html_context: raise ExtensionError( "``sphinx_readme``: value " "must be set for ``html_context``" ) return get_repo_url(self.html_context) def get_docs_url(self) -> str: """Returns the base URL of the documentation source to use when resolving :mod:`~.sphinx.ext.autodoc` cross-references If :attr:`docs_url_type` is * ``"code"``: uses the :attr:`blob_url` * ``"html"``: uses the :external+sphinx:confval:`html_baseurl` :raises ExtensionError: if ``html_baseurl`` is undefined """ if self.docs_url_type == "html": if self.html_baseurl: docs_url = self.html_baseurl else: raise ExtensionError( "``sphinx_readme``: value " "must be set for ``html_baseurl``" ) else: # ``docs_url_type`` is "code" docs_url = self.blob_url return docs_url.rstrip("/") def setup_linkcode_resolve(self, app: Sphinx) -> None: """Retrieves or defines a ``linkcode_resolve()`` function for your package""" linkcode_func = get_conf_val(app, "linkcode_resolve") if not callable(linkcode_func): self.logger.debug( "``sphinx_readme:`` using default ``linkcode_resolve``" ) # Get the template for linking to source code linkcode_url = get_linkcode_url(self.blob_url) linkcode_func = get_linkcode_resolve(linkcode_url) set_conf_val(app, 'linkcode_resolve', linkcode_func) def read_rst(self, rst_file: Union[str, Path], replace_only: bool = True, is_included: bool = False) -> str: """Reads and partially parses an ``rst`` file .. tip:: Files are parsed as follows: 1. If ``replace_only`` is ``True``, only directives are replaced via :func:`~.replace_only_directives` 2. If :confval:`readme_include_directive` is ``True``, include directives are replaced with the content of the included file; otherwise, the directives will be removed 3. If :confval:`readme_raw_directive` is ``False``, raw directives are removed :param rst_file: the ``rst`` file to read :param replace_only: specifies if :rst:dir:`only` directives should be replaced or not """ with open(rst_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: rst = if replace_only: rst = replace_only_directives(rst, self.tags) rst = self.parse_include_directives(rst, rst_file, replace_only) if self.raw_directive is False: rst = remove_raw_directives(rst) if not is_included: rst = f"{self.rst_prolog}\n{rst}\n{self.rst_epilog}" return rst def parse_include_directives(self, rst: str, rst_file: Union[str, Path], replace_only: bool = True): return re.sub( pattern=r"\.\. include::\s+([./]*?[\w/-]+\.\w+)\s*?((?:^[ ]+:\S+:.*?$)*?)(?=\n*\S+|\Z)", repl=lambda m: self._parse_include(m, rst_file, replace_only), string=rst, flags=re.M | re.DOTALL ) def _parse_include(self, match: re.Match, rst_file: Union[str, Path], replace_only: bool): if self.include_directive is False: return '' file, args = match.groups() if start := re.match(r".*:start-line:\s+(\d+).*", args, re.DOTALL): start = int( if end := re.match(r".*:end-line:\s+(\d+).*", args, re.DOTALL): end = int( # Determine abs path of included file if file.startswith("/"): # These paths are relative to source dir file = Path(f"{self.src_dir}{file}").resolve() else: # These paths are relative to rst_file dir file = (Path(rst_file).parent / Path(file)).resolve() if file.exists(): # Write corresponding lines of unparsed file to a temp file lines = file.read_text(encoding='utf-8').split('\n')[start:end] temp = Path(self.src_dir / (Path(rst_file).stem + "_temp.rst")) temp.write_text('\n'.join(lines), "utf-8") # Replace directive with parsed file content repl = self.read_rst(temp, replace_only, is_included=True).replace(r'\n', r'\\n') temp.unlink() else: repl = '' # Remove the directive self.logger.error( f"``sphinx_readme``: included file {file} does not exist" ) return repl @property def src_files(self) -> Dict[str, Path]: """Absolute paths of the :confval:`readme_src_files` mapped to corresponding output files""" return self._src_files @src_files.setter def src_files(self, src_files: Union[str, List[str], Dict[str, str]]): if not isinstance(src_files, Iterable): raise TypeError( "``sphinx_readme``: confval ``readme_src_files`` must be a" " string, list or dictionary of source and output files" ) if not isinstance(src_files, Dict): if isinstance(src_files, str): src_files = [src_files] src_files = dict.fromkeys(src_files) src_files = { # Files should be relative to source dir (self.src_dir / Path(src_file)).resolve(): out_file for src_file, out_file in src_files.items() } if invalid_files := [file for file in src_files if not file.exists()]: raise ExtensionError( f"``sphinx_readme``: The following files" f" do not exist: {invalid_files}" ) self._src_files = { str(src_file): self.out_dir.joinpath(out_file or for src_file, out_file in src_files.items() } @cached_property def sources(self) -> Dict[str, str]: """Absolute paths of source files mapped to their file content""" return { src_file: self.read_rst(src_file) for src_file in self.src_files } @property def out_dir(self) -> Path: """Absolute path of the directory to save generated ``rst`` files to (from :confval:`readme_out_dir`) """ return self._out_dir @out_dir.setter def out_dir(self, out: str): out_dir = Path(out) if not out_dir.is_absolute(): out_dir = (self.src_dir / out_dir).resolve() if not out_dir.exists(): out_dir.mkdir() self._out_dir = out_dir @property def docs_url_type(self) -> str: """Documentation source type (``"code"`` or ``"html``") for resolving :mod:`~.sphinx.ext.autodoc` cross-references See :confval:`readme_docs_url_type` """ return self._docs_url_type @docs_url_type.setter def docs_url_type(self, docs_url_type: str): if docs_url_type not in ('html', 'code'): raise ExtensionError( "``sphinx_readme``: ``readme_docs_url_type`` value must be ``code`` or ``html``" ) if docs_url_type == "code" and not self.html_baseurl: raise ExtensionError( # HTML url is needed for non-source code xrefs "``sphinx_readme``: value missing for ``html_baseurl``" ) self._docs_url_type = docs_url_type @cached_property def repo_host(self) -> str: """The platform that the project's repository is hosted on""" return get_repo_host(self.repo_url) @cached_property def image_baseurl(self) -> str: """The base URL to use when replacing images with :meth:`~.replace_rst_images`""" if self.repo_host == "github": # Ex. return self.blob_url.replace("", "").replace('blob/', '') elif self.repo_host == "gitlab": # Ex. return self.blob_url.replace("/blob/", "/raw/") else: # Ex. return self.blob_url.replace("/src/", "/raw/") @cached_property def icon_map(self) -> Dict[str, str]: """A mapping of admonition classes to their icons The default mapping is as follows, but can be modified via :confval:`readme_admonition_icons` .. code-block:: python { 'attention': 'ποΈ', 'caution': 'β οΈ', 'danger': 'β’', 'error': 'β', 'hint': 'π§ ', 'important': 'π’', 'note': 'π', 'tip': 'π‘', 'warning': 'π©', 'default': 'π' } """ types = ("attention", "caution", "danger", "error", "hint", "important", "note", "tip", "warning", "default") icons = ("ποΈ", "β οΈ", "β’οΈ", 'β', "π§ ", "π’", "π", "π‘", "π©", self.default_admonition_icon) icon_map = dict(zip(types, icons)) # Update/add custom admonition icons from if self.admonition_icons: if isinstance(self.admonition_icons, Dict): icon_map.update(self.admonition_icons) return icon_map @property def admonition_template(self) -> str: """The template to use when replacing admonitions with :meth:`~.replace_admonitions`""" if self.raw_directive is True: return r''' .. raw:: html <table> <tr align="left"> <th> {icon} {title} .. raw:: html </th> <tr><td> {text} .. raw:: html </td></tr> </table> ''' else: return r''' \1.. list-table:: \1 :header-rows: 1 \1 * - {icon} {title} \1 * - \2 ''' Bases:
__init__(app)View on GitHubο
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def __init__(self, app: Sphinx): self.logger = logger self.src_dir = Path(app.srcdir) self.repo_dir = get_repo_dir() self.out_dir = get_conf_val(app, 'readme_out_dir') self.src_files = get_conf_val(app, 'readme_src_files') self.tags = Tags(get_conf_val(app, "readme_tags")) self.rst_prolog = get_conf_val(app, 'rst_prolog') or "" self.rst_epilog = get_conf_val(app, 'rst_epilog') or "" self.html_context = get_conf_val(app, "html_context") self.html_baseurl = get_conf_val(app, "html_baseurl", "").rstrip("/") self.docs_url_type = get_conf_val(app, 'readme_docs_url_type') self.replace_attrs = get_conf_val(app, 'readme_replace_attrs') self.inline_markup = get_conf_val(app, 'readme_inline_markup') self.raw_directive = get_conf_val(app, 'readme_raw_directive') self.rubric_heading = get_conf_val(app, 'readme_rubric_heading') self.admonition_icons = get_conf_val(app, 'readme_admonition_icons') self.include_directive = get_conf_val(app, 'readme_include_directive') self.default_admonition_icon = get_conf_val(app, 'readme_default_admonition_icon') #: The git blob to use when linking to the project's repository self.repo_blob: str = get_conf_val(app, "readme_blob") #: The base URL of the project's repository self.repo_url: str = self.get_repo_url() #: The base URL for the :attr:`repo_blob` blob of the project's repository self.blob_url: str = get_blob_url( repo_url=self.repo_url, blob=self.repo_blob ) #: The URL to use when resolving :mod:`~.sphinx.ext.autodoc` cross-references self.docs_url: str = self.get_docs_url() if self.docs_url_type == "code": self.setup_linkcode_resolve(app)
get_repo_url()View on GitHubο
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def get_repo_url(self) -> str: """Generates the URL of the project's repository from the :external+sphinx:confval:`html_context` dict :raises ExtensionError: if ``html_context`` is undefined or missing values """ if not self.html_context: raise ExtensionError( "``sphinx_readme``: value " "must be set for ``html_context``" ) return get_repo_url(self.html_context) Generates the URL of the projectβs repository from the
dict- Raises
ExtensionError β if
is undefined or missing values- Return type
get_docs_url()View on GitHubο
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def get_docs_url(self) -> str: """Returns the base URL of the documentation source to use when resolving :mod:`~.sphinx.ext.autodoc` cross-references If :attr:`docs_url_type` is * ``"code"``: uses the :attr:`blob_url` * ``"html"``: uses the :external+sphinx:confval:`html_baseurl` :raises ExtensionError: if ``html_baseurl`` is undefined """ if self.docs_url_type == "html": if self.html_baseurl: docs_url = self.html_baseurl else: raise ExtensionError( "``sphinx_readme``: value " "must be set for ``html_baseurl``" ) else: # ``docs_url_type`` is "code" docs_url = self.blob_url return docs_url.rstrip("/") Returns the base URL of the documentation source to use when resolving
: uses theblob_url
: uses thehtml_baseurl
- Raises
ExtensionError β if
is undefined- Return type
setup_linkcode_resolve(app)View on GitHubο
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def setup_linkcode_resolve(self, app: Sphinx) -> None: """Retrieves or defines a ``linkcode_resolve()`` function for your package""" linkcode_func = get_conf_val(app, "linkcode_resolve") if not callable(linkcode_func): self.logger.debug( "``sphinx_readme:`` using default ``linkcode_resolve``" ) # Get the template for linking to source code linkcode_url = get_linkcode_url(self.blob_url) linkcode_func = get_linkcode_resolve(linkcode_url) set_conf_val(app, 'linkcode_resolve', linkcode_func) Retrieves or defines a
function for your package
read_rst(rst_file, replace_only=True, is_included=False)View on GitHubο
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def read_rst(self, rst_file: Union[str, Path], replace_only: bool = True, is_included: bool = False) -> str: """Reads and partially parses an ``rst`` file .. tip:: Files are parsed as follows: 1. If ``replace_only`` is ``True``, only directives are replaced via :func:`~.replace_only_directives` 2. If :confval:`readme_include_directive` is ``True``, include directives are replaced with the content of the included file; otherwise, the directives will be removed 3. If :confval:`readme_raw_directive` is ``False``, raw directives are removed :param rst_file: the ``rst`` file to read :param replace_only: specifies if :rst:dir:`only` directives should be replaced or not """ with open(rst_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: rst = if replace_only: rst = replace_only_directives(rst, self.tags) rst = self.parse_include_directives(rst, rst_file, replace_only) if self.raw_directive is False: rst = remove_raw_directives(rst) if not is_included: rst = f"{self.rst_prolog}\n{rst}\n{self.rst_epilog}" return rst Reads and partially parses an
Files are parsed as follows:
, only directives are replaced viareplace_only_directives()
, include directives are replaced with the content of the included file; otherwise, the directives will be removedIf
, raw directives are removed
parse_include_directives(rst, rst_file, replace_only=True)View on GitHubο
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def parse_include_directives(self, rst: str, rst_file: Union[str, Path], replace_only: bool = True): return re.sub( pattern=r"\.\. include::\s+([./]*?[\w/-]+\.\w+)\s*?((?:^[ ]+:\S+:.*?$)*?)(?=\n*\S+|\Z)", repl=lambda m: self._parse_include(m, rst_file, replace_only), string=rst, flags=re.M | re.DOTALL )
property src_files: Dict[str, Path]View on GitHubο
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@property def src_files(self) -> Dict[str, Path]: """Absolute paths of the :confval:`readme_src_files` mapped to corresponding output files""" return self._src_files Absolute paths of the
mapped to corresponding output files
property sources: Dict[str, str]View on GitHubο
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@cached_property def sources(self) -> Dict[str, str]: """Absolute paths of source files mapped to their file content""" return { src_file: self.read_rst(src_file) for src_file in self.src_files } Absolute paths of source files mapped to their file content
property out_dir: PathView on GitHubο
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@property def out_dir(self) -> Path: """Absolute path of the directory to save generated ``rst`` files to (from :confval:`readme_out_dir`) """ return self._out_dir Absolute path of the directory to save generated
files to (fromreadme_out_dir
property docs_url_type: strView on GitHubο
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@property def docs_url_type(self) -> str: """Documentation source type (``"code"`` or ``"html``") for resolving :mod:`~.sphinx.ext.autodoc` cross-references See :confval:`readme_docs_url_type` """ return self._docs_url_type Documentation source type (
β) for resolvingautodoc
property repo_host: strView on GitHubο
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@cached_property def repo_host(self) -> str: """The platform that the project's repository is hosted on""" return get_repo_host(self.repo_url) The platform that the projectβs repository is hosted on
property image_baseurl: strView on GitHubο
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@cached_property def image_baseurl(self) -> str: """The base URL to use when replacing images with :meth:`~.replace_rst_images`""" if self.repo_host == "github": # Ex. return self.blob_url.replace("", "").replace('blob/', '') elif self.repo_host == "gitlab": # Ex. return self.blob_url.replace("/blob/", "/raw/") else: # Ex. return self.blob_url.replace("/src/", "/raw/") The base URL to use when replacing images with
property icon_map: Dict[str, str]View on GitHubο
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@cached_property def icon_map(self) -> Dict[str, str]: """A mapping of admonition classes to their icons The default mapping is as follows, but can be modified via :confval:`readme_admonition_icons` .. code-block:: python { 'attention': 'ποΈ', 'caution': 'β οΈ', 'danger': 'β’', 'error': 'β', 'hint': 'π§ ', 'important': 'π’', 'note': 'π', 'tip': 'π‘', 'warning': 'π©', 'default': 'π' } """ types = ("attention", "caution", "danger", "error", "hint", "important", "note", "tip", "warning", "default") icons = ("ποΈ", "β οΈ", "β’οΈ", 'β', "π§ ", "π’", "π", "π‘", "π©", self.default_admonition_icon) icon_map = dict(zip(types, icons)) # Update/add custom admonition icons from if self.admonition_icons: if isinstance(self.admonition_icons, Dict): icon_map.update(self.admonition_icons) return icon_map A mapping of admonition classes to their icons
The default mapping is as follows, but can be modified via
{ 'attention': 'ποΈ', 'caution': 'β οΈ', 'danger': 'β’', 'error': 'β', 'hint': 'π§ ', 'important': 'π’', 'note': 'π', 'tip': 'π‘', 'warning': 'π©', 'default': 'π' }
property admonition_template: strView on GitHubο
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@property def admonition_template(self) -> str: """The template to use when replacing admonitions with :meth:`~.replace_admonitions`""" if self.raw_directive is True: return r''' .. raw:: html <table> <tr align="left"> <th> {icon} {title} .. raw:: html </th> <tr><td> {text} .. raw:: html </td></tr> </table> ''' else: return r''' \1.. list-table:: \1 :header-rows: 1 \1 * - {icon} {title} \1 * - \2 ''' The template to use when replacing admonitions with
__init__(app)View on GitHubο