The READMEParser
class sphinx_readme.parser.READMEParser(app)View on GitHub
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class READMEParser: def __init__(self, app: Sphinx): #: The :class:`~.READMEConfig` for the parser self.config: READMEConfig = READMEConfig(app) self.logger = self.config.logger #: Mapping of info for standard and :mod:`sphinx.ext.autodoc` cross-references self.ref_map: Dict[str, Union[List, Dict]] = {} #: Mapping of source files to their content self.sources: Dict[str, str] = self.config.sources #: Mapping of source files to their toctree data self.toctrees: Dict[str, List[Dict]] = defaultdict(list) #: Mapping of source files to their admonition data self.admonitions: Dict[str, List[Dict]] = {} #: Mapping of source files to their rubric data self.rubrics: Dict[str, List[str]] = {} #: Mapping of source files to cross-reference substitution definitions self.substitutions: Dict[str, Dict[str, List[str]]] = defaultdict(dict) #: Mapping of docnames to their parsed titles self.titles: Dict[str, str] = {} #: Tuple of currently supported Sphinx domains Tuple = ("py", "std", "rst") #: Mapping of domain names to their cross-reference roles self.roles: Dict[str, List[str]] = {} #: Mapping of role names to the object types they can cross-reference self.objtypes: Dict[str, List[str]] = {} #: Packages in the intersphinx cache self.intersphinx_pkgs: List[str] = [] #: Easy access to intersphinx inventory self.inventory: Dict[str, Dict] = {} #: Easy access to intersphinx named inventory self.named_inventory: Dict[str, Dict] = {} def parse_env(self, env: BuildEnvironment) -> None: """Parses domain data and document titles from the |env|""" self.parse_titles(env) self.parse_roles(env) self.parse_objtypes(env) self.parse_py_domain(env) self.parse_std_domain(env) # Add access to data from intersphinx, if applicable self.inventory = getattr(env, 'intersphinx_inventory', {}) self.named_inventory = getattr(env, 'intersphinx_named_inventory', {}) self.intersphinx_pkgs = list(getattr(env, 'intersphinx_named_inventory', {})) def parse_titles(self, env: BuildEnvironment) -> None: """Parses document and section titles from the |env|""" for docname in env.found_docs: doctree = env.get_doctree(docname) sections = list(doctree.findall(nodes.section)) for section in sections: # Parse titles of sections referenced with :ref: if getattr(section, "expect_referenced_by_name", None): ref_id = list(section.expect_referenced_by_name)[0] title = section.next_node(nodes.title).rawsource self.titles[ref_id] = replace_xrefs(title) try: # Parse title of document for :doc: refs h1 = sections[0].next_node(nodes.title).rawsource self.titles[docname] = replace_xrefs(h1) except IndexError: continue # Document without title def parse_roles(self, env: BuildEnvironment) -> None: """Parses the available roles for cross-referencing objects in the |py_domain|, |std_domain|, and |rst_domain| :param env: the |env| """ for domain in self.roles[domain] = list(env.get_domain(domain).roles) def parse_objtypes(self, env: BuildEnvironment) -> None: """Maps cross-reference roles to their corresponding object types in the |py_domain|, |std_domain|, and |rst_domain| :param env: the |env| """ for domain in for role in self.roles[domain]: self.objtypes[role] = [ f"{domain}:{objtype}" # Prefix with domain to match intersphinx inventory for objtype in env.get_domain(domain).objtypes_for_role(role, []) ] def parse_std_domain(self, env: BuildEnvironment) -> None: """Parses cross-reference data from the |std_domain| :param env: the |env| """ for ref_id, text, role, docname, anchor, _ in env.get_domain("std").get_objects(): replace = self.titles.get(ref_id) or text target = f"{self.config.html_baseurl}/{docname}.html" if anchor: target += f"#{anchor}" if role == "confval" and self.config.inline_markup: replace = f"``{replace}``" elif role == "label": role = "ref" self.ref_map.setdefault(role, {})[ref_id] = { "replace": replace, "target": target } def parse_py_domain(self, env: BuildEnvironment) -> None: """Parses cross-reference data for |py_domain| objects :param env: the |env| """ py_objects = env.domaindata.get('py', {}).get("objects", {}) linkcode_resolve = get_conf_val(env, "linkcode_resolve") for qualname, entry in py_objects.items(): if target := self.get_py_target(entry, linkcode_resolve): self.add_variants( qualified_name=qualname, target=target, is_callable=entry.objtype in ("method", "function")) def get_py_target(self, entry: ObjectEntry, linkcode_resolve: Optional[Callable] = None) -> Optional[str]: """Resolves the target for a cross-reference to an object in the |py_domain| :param entry: the ``ObjectEntry`` for the object :param linkcode_resolve: function to resolve targets when linking to source code :return: the link to the object's corresponding documentation entry or highlighted source code """ if self.config.docs_url_type == "html": # All links to html documentation follow the same format return f"{self.config.html_baseurl}/{entry.docname}.html#{entry.node_id}" if entry.objtype in ("attribute", "data"): return None # Cannot link to source code # Use linkcode_resolve to generate links info = dict.fromkeys(("module", "fullname")) parts = entry.node_id.removeprefix('module-').split('.') if entry.objtype in ("class", "function", "module", "exception"): info["module"] = '.'.join(parts[:-1]) info['fullname'] = parts[-1] elif entry.objtype in ("method", "property"): info["module"] = '.'.join(parts[:-2]) info['fullname'] = '.'.join(parts[-2:]) link = linkcode_resolve("py", info) if link and entry.objtype == 'module': link = link.split('#')[0] # Avoid highlighting whole file return link def add_variants(self, qualified_name: str, target: str, is_callable: bool = False) -> None: """Adds substitution information for an object to the :attr:`ref_map` This data is used to replace any :mod:`~sphinx.ext.autodoc` cross-reference to the object with a substitution, hyperlinked to the corresponding source code or documentation entry .. tip:: See :func:`~.get_all_xref_variants` and :meth:`replace_autodoc_refs` :param qualified_name: the fully qualified name of an object (ex. ``"sphinx_readme.parser.add_variants"``) :param target: the refuri of the object's corresponding source code or documentation entry :param is_callable: specifies if the object is a method or function """ short_ref = qualified_name.split('.')[-1] variants = get_all_xref_variants(qualified_name) for variant in variants: if variant in self.ref_map: continue if variant.startswith("~"): replace = short_ref else: replace = variant.lstrip('.') if is_callable: replace += "()" if self.config.inline_markup: replace = f"``{replace}``" self.ref_map[variant] = { 'replace': replace, 'target': target } def parse_doctree(self, app: Sphinx, doctree: nodes.document, docname: str) -> None: """Parses cross-reference, admonition, rubric, and toctree data from a resolved doctree""" if doctree.get('source') in self.sources: self.parse_admonitions(app, doctree, docname) self.parse_rubrics(app, doctree, docname) self.parse_toctrees(app, doctree, docname) self.parse_intersphinx_nodes(app, doctree, docname) def parse_admonitions(self, app: Sphinx, doctree: nodes.document, docname: str) -> None: """Parses data from generic and specific admonitions :param doctree: the doctree from one of the :attr:`~.src_files` """ src = doctree.get('source') rst = self.sources[src] admonitions = [] # Generate new doctree to account for only directives doctree = get_doctree(app, rst, docname) for admonition in list(doctree.findall(nodes.Admonition)): info = { 'body': admonition.rawsource } if isinstance(admonition, nodes.admonition): # Generic Admonition (using admonition directive) info.update({ 'type': 'generic', 'class': admonition.get('classes')[0], 'title': admonition.children[0].rawsource }) else: # Specific Admonition (for example, .. note::) info.update({ 'type': 'specific', 'class': admonition.tagname, 'title': admonition.tagname.title() }) admonitions.append(info) self.admonitions[src] = admonitions def parse_intersphinx_nodes(self, app: Sphinx, doctree: nodes.document, docname: str) -> None: """Parses cross-references that utilize :mod:`sphinx.ext.intersphinx` :param doctree: the doctree from one of the :attr:`~.src_files` """ xref_pattern, xref_title_pattern = self.get_xref_regex(, roles=self.objtypes.keys()) src = doctree.get('source') rst = self.sources[src] nodes_to_parse = [] reference_nodes = list(doctree.findall(nodes.reference)) # Add reference nodes from substitutions for sub in doctree.substitution_defs.values(): if isinstance(sub.children[0], nodes.reference): reference_nodes.append(sub.children[0]) # Keep nodes with external URIs for node in reference_nodes: if node.get('internal') is False: nodes_to_parse.append(node.children[0]) # Generate new doctree to account for only directives, then add problematic nodes problematic_nodes = get_doctree(app, rst, docname).findall(nodes.problematic) nodes_to_parse.extend(problematic_nodes) # Parse xrefs from nodes for node in nodes_to_parse: if '<' in node.rawsource: pattern = xref_title_pattern else: pattern = xref_pattern if not (match := re.match(pattern, node.rawsource)): continue _, external, role, *_, ref_id = match.groups() self.parse_external_node(external, role, ref_id.lstrip('~.')) def parse_external_node(self, external, role, ref_id) -> None: objtypes = self.objtypes[role] for objtype in objtypes: # Check intersphinx inventory for applicable objtypes if xref := self.get_external_ref(external, objtype, ref_id): break if xref is None: return if xref.objtype.startswith("py"): is_callable = xref.objtype in ("py:method", "py:function") self.add_variants(,, is_callable) else: if self.config.inline_markup and xref.objtype not in ('std:label', 'std:doc'): xref.label = f"``{xref.label}``" self.ref_map.setdefault(role, {}).setdefault(, { "replace": xref.label, "target": }) def parse_toctrees(self, app: Sphinx, doctree: nodes.document, docname: str) -> None: """Parses the caption and entry data from :class:`~.sphinx.addnodes.toctree` nodes .. caution:: Toctrees are currently parsed as if the directive has the ``:titlesonly:`` option :param doctree: the doctree from one of the :attr:`~.src_files` """ source = doctree.get('source') tocs = app.env.tocs for toctree in list(doctree.findall(addnodes.toctree)): toc = self._parse_toctree(toctree, docname, tocs) self.toctrees[source].append(toc) def _parse_toctree(self, toctree, docname, tocs, is_subtoc=False): toc = { 'caption': toctree.get('caption'), 'titles_only': toctree.get('titlesonly'), 'entries': [] } if toctree.get('maxdepth') != 1: toc['maxdepth'] = toctree.get('maxdepth') for text, entry in toctree.get('entries', []): entry_name = entry if entry != 'self' else docname title = text if text else self.titles.get(entry_name) subtree = tocs[entry_name].next_node(nodes.bullet_list) if subtree and entry != 'self': if is_subtoc or 'maxdepth' in toc: subtree = self._parse_subtree(subtree, tocs) else: subtree = None # Sphinx treats "self" as titlesonly toc['entries'].append({ 'entry': entry_name, 'title': title, 'entries': subtree }) return toc def _parse_subtree(self, tree: nodes.bullet_list, tocs: Dict[str, nodes.bullet_list]) -> List[Dict]: sub_trees = [] for child in tree.children: if isinstance(child, addnodes.toctree): child_doc = Path(child.source).relative_to(self.config.src_dir) sub_toc = self._parse_toctree( docname=child_doc.as_posix().removesuffix(child_doc.suffix), is_subtoc=True, tocs=tocs, toctree=child, ) for entry in sub_toc['entries']: entry['is_subtoc'] = True sub_trees.extend(sub_toc['entries']) continue if not isinstance(child, nodes.list_item): continue sub_tree = { 'entry': None, 'anchor': None, 'title': None, 'entries': [] } for item in child.children: if isinstance(item, addnodes.compact_paragraph): ref_node = child.next_node(nodes.reference) sub_tree['title'] = parse_node_text(ref_node) sub_tree['anchor'] = ref_node.get('anchorname') sub_tree['entry'] = ref_node.get('refuri') elif isinstance(item, nodes.bullet_list): sub_tree['entries'].extend(self._parse_subtree(item, tocs)) sub_trees.append(sub_tree) return sub_trees def parse_rubrics(self, app: Sphinx, doctree: nodes.document, docname: str) -> None: """Parses the content from :rst:dir:`rubric` directives""" source = doctree.get('source') rst = self.sources[source] rubrics = [] # Generate new doctree to account for only directives doctree = get_doctree(app, rst, docname) for rubric in doctree.findall(nodes.rubric): rubrics.append(rubric.rawsource) self.rubrics[source] = rubrics def get_external_ref(self, external: str, objtype: str, ref_id: str) -> Optional[ExternalRef]: """Retrieves external cross-reference data from the :mod:`sphinx.ext.intersphinx` inventory :param external: the ``:external:`` or ``:external+pkg:`` portion of the xref, if present :param objtype: the name of the object type being referenced :param ref_id: the target of the cross-reference :return: an :class:`~.ExternalRef` object if the lookup was successful, otherwise ``None`` """ pkg = None # First, attempt to constrain lookup to specific package # Check for :external+pkg:role:`ref_id` syntax if external and "+" in external: pkg = external.split('+')[-1] # Check for :role:`pkg:ref_id` syntax elif ":" in ref_id: tokens = ref_id.split(":", maxsplit=1) # Ensure it's not `directive:option` or `doc:section` if tokens[0] in self.intersphinx_pkgs: pkg, ref_id = tokens if objtype == "std:label": ref_id = nodes.fully_normalize_name(ref_id) # Lookup reference in intersphinx named or regular inventory inventory = self.named_inventory.get(pkg, self.inventory) if xref := inventory.get(objtype, {}).get(ref_id): return ExternalRef(objtype, *xref, ref_id) def get_external_id(self, external: str, role: str, ref_id: str) -> Optional[str]: """Helper function to get the ``ref_id`` when replacing external xrefs""" for objtype in self.objtypes[role]: if xref := self.get_external_ref(external, objtype, ref_id): return def is_external_xref(self, external: str, role: str, ref_id: str) -> bool: """Helper function to check if a cross-reference is explicitly external""" return any(( external, role in self.roles['rst'], ":" in ref_id and ref_id.split(":", maxsplit=1)[0] in self.intersphinx_pkgs )) def resolve(self) -> None: """Uses parsed data from to replace cross-references and directives in the :attr:`~.src_files` Once resolved, files are written to the :attr:`~.out_dir`. """ for src, rst in self.sources.items(): # Replace everything using parsed data rst = self.replace_admonitions(src, rst) rst = self.replace_rst_images(src, rst) rst = self.replace_toctrees(src, rst) rst = self.replace_rubrics(src, rst) rst = self.replace_xrefs(src, rst) rst = self.replace_py_xrefs(src, rst) rst = self.replace_unresolved_xrefs(rst) # Prepend substitution definitions for cross-reference substitutions = self.substitutions[src] header_vals = [] for target in sorted(substitutions, key=lambda t: (t.lower().lstrip("`~."), t.lower())): header_vals.append('\n'.join(substitutions[target])) # Write the final output rst_out = self.config.src_files[src] rst_out.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) output = "\n".join(header_vals) + "\n\n" + rst rst_out.write_text(output, encoding='utf-8') print(f'``sphinx_readme``: saved generated file to {rst_out}') def replace_admonitions(self, rst_src: str, rst: str) -> str: """Replaces generic and specific admonition directives with HTML tables or ``list-table`` directives, depending on the value of :confval:`readme_raw_directive` .. admonition:: Customizing Admonitions :class: about The :attr:`~.icon_map` can be overriden to use custom admonition icons/classes * See :confval:`readme_admonition_icons` and :confval:`readme_default_admonition_icon` :param rst_src: absolute path of the source file :param rst: content of the source file """ for admonition in self.admonitions[rst_src]: pattern = self.get_admonition_regex(admonition) icon = self.get_admonition_icon(admonition) if not self.config.raw_directive: rst = re.sub( pattern=pattern, repl=lambda match: self._replace_admonition( match, rst_src, admonition, icon), string=rst, ) else: rst = re.sub( pattern=pattern, repl=self.config.admonition_template.format( title=admonition['title'], text=admonition['body'], icon=icon), string=rst ) return rst def _replace_admonition(self, match, rst_src, admonition: dict, icon: str) -> str: """Helper function for formatting ``list-table`` admonitions""" body = if all(( ".. rubric::" in body, self.config.rubric_heading, self.config.raw_directive is False )): body = self.replace_rubrics(rst_src, body, force_markup=True) # Add extra indentation to ensure body lines up with directive body = re.sub(pattern=r"(\n+)", repl=r"\1 ", string=body) template = self.config.admonition_template.format( title=admonition['title'], icon=icon ).replace( r'\2', body ).replace( r'\1', ) return template def replace_toctrees(self, rst_src: str, rst: str) -> str: """Replaces :rst:dir:`toctree` directives with hyperlinked bullet lists .. note:: Entries will link to HTML documentation regardless of the value of :confval:`readme_docs_url_type` :param rst_src: absolute path of the source file :param rst: content of the source file """ pattern = r"\.\. toctree::\s*?\n+?(?:^[ ]+.+?$|^\s*$)+?(?=\n*\S+|\Z)" toctrees = re.findall(pattern, rst, re.M | re.DOTALL) for toctree, info in zip(toctrees, self.toctrees[rst_src]): titles_only = info.get('titles_only') maxdepth = info.get('maxdepth', 1) repl = "" if info['caption']: repl += f"**{info['caption']}**\n\n" for entry in info['entries']: repl = self._replace_toctree_entry(rst_src, entry, repl, maxdepth, titles_only) last_line = repl.strip().split('\n')[-1] last_indent = len(last_line) - len(last_line.lstrip()) repl += f"\n{(last_indent + 2) * ' '}|\n\n" # Add line break at next indent to improve spacing # Replace toctree directive with substitutions rst = rst.replace(toctree, repl) return rst def _replace_toctree_entry(self, rst_src, entry, repl, maxdepth, titles_only, indentation = "", depth = 0): if depth == maxdepth: return repl if depth == 1 and titles_only: if not entry.get('is_subtoc'): return repl # Replace each entry with a link to html docs target = f"{self.config.html_baseurl}/{entry['entry']}.html{entry.get('anchor', '')}" link, subs = format_hyperlink(target, text=entry['title']) repl += f"{indentation}* {link}\n" if subs: ref_id = entry['title'].replace("`", "") self.substitutions[rst_src][ref_id] = subs if entry['entries']: repl += "\n" # Add new line for new level for sub_entry in entry["entries"]: repl = self._replace_toctree_entry( rst_src, sub_entry, repl, maxdepth, titles_only, indentation=f"{indentation} ", depth=depth + 1 ) repl += "\n" return repl def replace_rst_images(self, rst_src: str, rst: str) -> str: """Replaces filepaths in ``image`` directives with repository links **Example:** :rst:`.. image:: /_static/logo_readme.png` would be replaced with :rst:`.. image::` .. note:: Your repository will be used as the image source regardless of the value of :confval:`readme_docs_url_type` :param rst_src: absolute path of the source file :param rst: content of the source file """ src_dir = self.config.src_dir repo_dir = self.config.repo_dir rst_src_dir = Path(rst_src).parent relpath_to_src_dir = src_dir.relative_to(repo_dir) # Find the targets of all image directives img_pattern = r"\.\. image:: ([./\w-]+\.\w{3,4})" img_paths = re.findall(img_pattern, rst) for img_path in img_paths: if img_path.startswith("/"): # These paths are relative to source dir path_to_img = Path(f"{relpath_to_src_dir}{img_path}").as_posix() else: # These paths are relative to rst_file dir abs_img_path = (rst_src_dir / Path(img_path)).resolve() # Find path of image relative to the repo directory path_to_img = abs_img_path.relative_to(repo_dir).as_posix() # Sub that hoe in!!! rst = re.sub( pattern=rf"\.\. image:: {img_path}", repl=fr".. image:: {self.config.image_baseurl}/{path_to_img}", string=rst ) return rst def replace_rubrics(self, rst_src: str, rst: str, force_markup: bool = False) -> str: """Replaces :rst:dir:`rubric` directives with the section heading character specified by :confval:`readme_rubric_heading` If :confval:`readme_rubric_heading` is not specified, the rubric will be replaced with bold text instead ... **Example:** Consider a source file that contains :rst:`.. rubric:: This is a \`\`rubric\`\` directive` * Replacement without specifying ``readme_rubric_heading``:: **This is a** ``rubric`` **directive** * Replacement if :code:`readme_rubric_heading = "^"`:: This is a ``rubric`` directive ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :param rst_src: absolute path of the source file :param rst: content of the source file """ rubric_pattern = r'\.\. rubric:: ({body})(?=\n?$(?:\n+?^\s*$|\Z))' heading_chars = '!"#$%&\'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~' if heading := self.config.rubric_heading: if heading not in heading_chars: heading = None for rubric in self.rubrics[rst_src]: pattern = rubric_pattern.format(body=re.escape(rubric).replace("\\\n", "\\\n[ ]+")) text = ' '.join(line.strip() for line in rubric.split('\n')) if heading and not force_markup: repl = text + "\n" + (len(text) * heading) else: text = self.replace_xrefs(rst_src, text) text = self.replace_py_xrefs(rst_src, text) repl = format_rst("bold", text) repl = repl.replace("\\", r"\\") rst = re.sub(pattern, repl, rst, flags=re.M) return rst def replace_xrefs(self, rst_src: str, rst: str) -> str: """Replaces cross-references from the |std_domain| and |rst_domain| with substitutions or inline links .. tip:: This includes cross-references for any custom objects added by :meth:`Sphinx.add_object_type() <sphinx.application.Sphinx.add_object_type>` :param rst_src: absolute path of the source file :param rst: content of the source file :return: the ``rst`` with all applicable cross-references replaced by links/substitutions """ xrefs = set() for pattern in self.get_xref_regex(domains=["rst", "std"]): xrefs.update(re.findall( pattern=pattern, string=rst)) for xref in xrefs: if len(xref) == 5: # From title pattern full_xref, external, role, title, ref_id = xref else: full_xref, external, role, ref_id, *title = xref # If xref is explicitly external, force resolve with external lookup if is_explicitly_external := self.is_external_xref(external, role, ref_id): ref_id = self.get_external_id(external, role, ref_id) elif role == "ref": # Normalize ref_id to ensure match in ref_map ref_id = nodes.fully_normalize_name(ref_id) elif role == "doc": if ref_id.startswith("/"): # These document paths are relative to source dir ref_id = ref_id.lstrip('/') else: # These document paths are relative to rst_src dir abs_doc_path = (Path(rst_src).parent/Path(ref_id)).resolve() ref_id = abs_doc_path.relative_to(self.config.src_dir).as_posix() # Match the xref with target data in the ref_map ref_map = self.ref_map.get(role, {}) if ref_id not in ref_map and not is_explicitly_external: # If data is missing and the xref isn't explicitly external, check # intersphinx since it's also used as a fallback resolution ref_id = self.get_external_id(external, role, ref_id) if not (info := ref_map.get(ref_id)): continue if title: # Include explicit title in substitution name ref_id = f"{ref_id}+{title}" # Add inline markup if replacement had it if info['replace'].startswith("`"): title = f"``{title}``" link, subs = format_hyperlink( target=info['target'], text=title or info['replace'], sub_override=f".{ref_id}", force_subs=True ) self.substitutions[rst_src][ref_id] = subs rst = re.sub( # Replace cross-ref with substitution pattern = rf"(?<![^\s{BEFORE_XREF}]){escape_rst(full_xref)}(?=[\s{AFTER_XREF}]|\Z)", repl=link, string=rst ) return rst def replace_py_xrefs(self, rst_src: str, rst: str) -> str: """Replace |py_domain| cross-references with substitutions These substitutions will be hyperlinked to the corresponding source code or HTML documentation entry, depending on the value of :confval:`readme_docs_url_type` .. note: External attributes are always hyperlinked, but attributes for your own package will only be hyperlinked if linking to HTML documentation :param rst_src: absolute path of the source file :param rst: content of the source file """ xrefs = set() targets = { 'regular': { 'xrefs': [], 'repl': r"|.\4|_" # Replace with |.{ref_id}|_ }, 'title': { 'xrefs': [], 'repl': r"|.\5+\4|_" # Replace with |.{ref_id}+{title}|_ } } # Find all :ref_role:`ref_id` or :ref_role:`title <ref_id>` cross-refs for pattern in self.get_xref_regex("py"): xrefs.update(re.findall( pattern=pattern, string=rst)) for xref in xrefs: if len(xref) == 5: # From title pattern full_xref, external, role, title, ref_id = xref else: full_xref, external, role, ref_id, *title = xref if not (info := self.ref_map.get(ref_id)): continue if title: # Include explicit title in substitution name targets['title']['xrefs'].append(ref_id) ref_id = f"{ref_id}+{title}" if self.config.inline_markup: title = f"``{title}``" else: targets['regular']['xrefs'].append(ref_id) link, subs = format_hyperlink( target=info['target'], text=title or info['replace'], sub_override=f".{ref_id}", force_subs=True ) self.substitutions[rst_src][ref_id] = subs # Replace cross-refs with substitutions for xref_type, xref_data in targets.items(): if xrefs := xref_data['xrefs']: rst = re.sub( pattern=self.get_xref_regex("py", targets=xrefs, xref_type=xref_type), repl=xref_data['repl'], string=rst ) return rst def replace_unresolved_xrefs(self, rst: str) -> str: """Replaces any unresolved cross-references from all domains with inline literals""" # Replace unresolved Python cross-refs roles = self.roles['py'].copy() if not self.config.replace_attrs: roles.remove('attr') rst = replace_xrefs(rst, roles) # Replace unresolved cross-refs from Standard and RST domain for pattern in self.get_xref_regex(domains=["rst", "std"]): rst = re.sub( pattern=pattern, repl=r"``\4``", # Target or explicit title string=rst ) return rst def get_xref_regex(self, domains: str | Iterable[str], roles: Optional[str | Iterable[str]] = None, targets: Optional[str | Iterable[str]] = None, xref_type: Optional[str] = None) -> str | Tuple[str, str]: """Returns the regex to match cross-references .. note:: The patterns have the following match groups: :Regular Cross-References: 1. The full cross-reference 2. The external role, if present 3. The cross-reference role 4. The cross-reference target :Explicit Title Cross-References: 1. The full cross-reference 2. The external role, if present 3. The cross-reference role 4. The explicit title 5. The cross-reference target :param domains: an individual or list of Sphinx object domains to match :param roles: an individual or list of cross-reference roles to match; matches all domain roles if not provided :param targets: an individual or list of targets to match; matches all xrefs if not provided :param xref_type: the xref type to match (``"regular"`` or ``"title"``); returns both if not specified :return: the regex pattern to match regular xrefs, xrefs with explicit titles, or a tuple containing both """ if targets is None: # Match every cross-reference targets = r"~?\.?[\w./: -]+" if isinstance(targets, str): targets = [targets] targets = f"({'|'.join(targets)})" if isinstance(domains, str): domains = [domains] if roles: if isinstance(roles, str): roles = [roles] else: roles = [role for domain in domains for role in self.roles[domain]] if "py" in domains and self.config.replace_attrs is False: roles.remove("attr") roles = "|".join(roles) domains = "|".join(domains) xref_pattern = fr"(?<![^\s{BEFORE_XREF}])(:(?:(external(?:\+\w+)?):)?(?:(?:{domains}):)?({roles}):`{targets}`)(?=[\s{AFTER_XREF}]|\Z)" xref_title_pattern = fr"(?<![^\s{BEFORE_XREF}])(:(?:(external(?:\+\w+)?):)?(?:(?:{domains}):)?({roles}):`([^`]+?)\s<{targets}>`)(?=[\s{AFTER_XREF}]|\Z)" if xref_type == "regular": return xref_pattern elif xref_type == "title": return xref_title_pattern else: return xref_pattern, xref_title_pattern def get_admonition_regex(self, admonition: Dict[str, str]) -> str: """Returns the regex to match a specific admonition directive :param admonition: a dict containing admonition data """ body = escape_rst(admonition['body']).replace('\n', r'\n\s*') title = escape_rst(admonition['title']) if admonition['type'] == 'specific': # For example, .. note:: This is a note pattern = fr"\.\. {admonition['class']}::\n*?\s+" else: # Generic admonition directives with/without class option pattern = rf"\.\. admonition::\s+{title}" + r"\n" if cls := admonition['class']: if 'admonition-' not in cls: pattern += rf"\s+:class: {cls}" + r"\n" pattern += r"\n*?\s+" if not self.config.raw_directive: # list-table template body uses match group pattern = rf"([ ]*){pattern}({body})(?=\n*(?:\1)?" else: # raw html template body uses string formatting pattern += rf"{body}(?=\n*" pattern += r"(?:\S+|\Z))" return pattern def get_admonition_icon(self, admonition: dict) -> str: """Returns the icon to use for an admonition :param admonition: a dict of admonition data """ if icon := self.config.icon_map.get(admonition['class']): return icon else: return self.config.default_admonition_icon Bases:
__init__(app)View on GitHub
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def __init__(self, app: Sphinx): #: The :class:`~.READMEConfig` for the parser self.config: READMEConfig = READMEConfig(app) self.logger = self.config.logger #: Mapping of info for standard and :mod:`sphinx.ext.autodoc` cross-references self.ref_map: Dict[str, Union[List, Dict]] = {} #: Mapping of source files to their content self.sources: Dict[str, str] = self.config.sources #: Mapping of source files to their toctree data self.toctrees: Dict[str, List[Dict]] = defaultdict(list) #: Mapping of source files to their admonition data self.admonitions: Dict[str, List[Dict]] = {} #: Mapping of source files to their rubric data self.rubrics: Dict[str, List[str]] = {} #: Mapping of source files to cross-reference substitution definitions self.substitutions: Dict[str, Dict[str, List[str]]] = defaultdict(dict) #: Mapping of docnames to their parsed titles self.titles: Dict[str, str] = {} #: Tuple of currently supported Sphinx domains Tuple = ("py", "std", "rst") #: Mapping of domain names to their cross-reference roles self.roles: Dict[str, List[str]] = {} #: Mapping of role names to the object types they can cross-reference self.objtypes: Dict[str, List[str]] = {} #: Packages in the intersphinx cache self.intersphinx_pkgs: List[str] = [] #: Easy access to intersphinx inventory self.inventory: Dict[str, Dict] = {} #: Easy access to intersphinx named inventory self.named_inventory: Dict[str, Dict] = {}
- config: READMEConfig
for the parser
- ref_map: Dict[str, Union[List, Dict]]
Mapping of info for standard and
- substitutions: Dict[str, Dict[str, List[str]]]
Mapping of source files to cross-reference substitution definitions
parse_env(env)View on GitHub
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def parse_env(self, env: BuildEnvironment) -> None: """Parses domain data and document titles from the |env|""" self.parse_titles(env) self.parse_roles(env) self.parse_objtypes(env) self.parse_py_domain(env) self.parse_std_domain(env) # Add access to data from intersphinx, if applicable self.inventory = getattr(env, 'intersphinx_inventory', {}) self.named_inventory = getattr(env, 'intersphinx_named_inventory', {}) self.intersphinx_pkgs = list(getattr(env, 'intersphinx_named_inventory', {})) Parses domain data and document titles from the
parse_titles(env)View on GitHub
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def parse_titles(self, env: BuildEnvironment) -> None: """Parses document and section titles from the |env|""" for docname in env.found_docs: doctree = env.get_doctree(docname) sections = list(doctree.findall(nodes.section)) for section in sections: # Parse titles of sections referenced with :ref: if getattr(section, "expect_referenced_by_name", None): ref_id = list(section.expect_referenced_by_name)[0] title = section.next_node(nodes.title).rawsource self.titles[ref_id] = replace_xrefs(title) try: # Parse title of document for :doc: refs h1 = sections[0].next_node(nodes.title).rawsource self.titles[docname] = replace_xrefs(h1) except IndexError: continue # Document without title Parses document and section titles from the
parse_roles(env)View on GitHub
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def parse_roles(self, env: BuildEnvironment) -> None: """Parses the available roles for cross-referencing objects in the |py_domain|, |std_domain|, and |rst_domain| :param env: the |env| """ for domain in self.roles[domain] = list(env.get_domain(domain).roles) Parses the available roles for cross-referencing objects in the
, Standard Domain, and reStructuredText Domain- Parameters
env (BuildEnvironment) – the
parse_objtypes(env)View on GitHub
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def parse_objtypes(self, env: BuildEnvironment) -> None: """Maps cross-reference roles to their corresponding object types in the |py_domain|, |std_domain|, and |rst_domain| :param env: the |env| """ for domain in for role in self.roles[domain]: self.objtypes[role] = [ f"{domain}:{objtype}" # Prefix with domain to match intersphinx inventory for objtype in env.get_domain(domain).objtypes_for_role(role, []) ] Maps cross-reference roles to their corresponding object types in the
, Standard Domain, and reStructuredText Domain- Parameters
env (BuildEnvironment) – the
parse_std_domain(env)View on GitHub
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def parse_std_domain(self, env: BuildEnvironment) -> None: """Parses cross-reference data from the |std_domain| :param env: the |env| """ for ref_id, text, role, docname, anchor, _ in env.get_domain("std").get_objects(): replace = self.titles.get(ref_id) or text target = f"{self.config.html_baseurl}/{docname}.html" if anchor: target += f"#{anchor}" if role == "confval" and self.config.inline_markup: replace = f"``{replace}``" elif role == "label": role = "ref" self.ref_map.setdefault(role, {})[ref_id] = { "replace": replace, "target": target } Parses cross-reference data from the Standard Domain
- Parameters
env (BuildEnvironment) – the
parse_py_domain(env)View on GitHub
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def parse_py_domain(self, env: BuildEnvironment) -> None: """Parses cross-reference data for |py_domain| objects :param env: the |env| """ py_objects = env.domaindata.get('py', {}).get("objects", {}) linkcode_resolve = get_conf_val(env, "linkcode_resolve") for qualname, entry in py_objects.items(): if target := self.get_py_target(entry, linkcode_resolve): self.add_variants( qualified_name=qualname, target=target, is_callable=entry.objtype in ("method", "function")) Parses cross-reference data for
objects- Parameters
env (BuildEnvironment) – the
get_py_target(entry, linkcode_resolve=None)View on GitHub
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def get_py_target(self, entry: ObjectEntry, linkcode_resolve: Optional[Callable] = None) -> Optional[str]: """Resolves the target for a cross-reference to an object in the |py_domain| :param entry: the ``ObjectEntry`` for the object :param linkcode_resolve: function to resolve targets when linking to source code :return: the link to the object's corresponding documentation entry or highlighted source code """ if self.config.docs_url_type == "html": # All links to html documentation follow the same format return f"{self.config.html_baseurl}/{entry.docname}.html#{entry.node_id}" if entry.objtype in ("attribute", "data"): return None # Cannot link to source code # Use linkcode_resolve to generate links info = dict.fromkeys(("module", "fullname")) parts = entry.node_id.removeprefix('module-').split('.') if entry.objtype in ("class", "function", "module", "exception"): info["module"] = '.'.join(parts[:-1]) info['fullname'] = parts[-1] elif entry.objtype in ("method", "property"): info["module"] = '.'.join(parts[:-2]) info['fullname'] = '.'.join(parts[-2:]) link = linkcode_resolve("py", info) if link and entry.objtype == 'module': link = link.split('#')[0] # Avoid highlighting whole file return link Resolves the target for a cross-reference to an object in the
add_variants(qualified_name, target, is_callable=False)View on GitHub
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def add_variants(self, qualified_name: str, target: str, is_callable: bool = False) -> None: """Adds substitution information for an object to the :attr:`ref_map` This data is used to replace any :mod:`~sphinx.ext.autodoc` cross-reference to the object with a substitution, hyperlinked to the corresponding source code or documentation entry .. tip:: See :func:`~.get_all_xref_variants` and :meth:`replace_autodoc_refs` :param qualified_name: the fully qualified name of an object (ex. ``"sphinx_readme.parser.add_variants"``) :param target: the refuri of the object's corresponding source code or documentation entry :param is_callable: specifies if the object is a method or function """ short_ref = qualified_name.split('.')[-1] variants = get_all_xref_variants(qualified_name) for variant in variants: if variant in self.ref_map: continue if variant.startswith("~"): replace = short_ref else: replace = variant.lstrip('.') if is_callable: replace += "()" if self.config.inline_markup: replace = f"``{replace}``" self.ref_map[variant] = { 'replace': replace, 'target': target } Adds substitution information for an object to the
This data is used to replace any
cross-reference to the object with a substitution, hyperlinked to the corresponding source code or documentation entryTip
parse_doctree(app, doctree, docname)View on GitHub
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def parse_doctree(self, app: Sphinx, doctree: nodes.document, docname: str) -> None: """Parses cross-reference, admonition, rubric, and toctree data from a resolved doctree""" if doctree.get('source') in self.sources: self.parse_admonitions(app, doctree, docname) self.parse_rubrics(app, doctree, docname) self.parse_toctrees(app, doctree, docname) self.parse_intersphinx_nodes(app, doctree, docname) Parses cross-reference, admonition, rubric, and toctree data from a resolved doctree
parse_admonitions(app, doctree, docname)View on GitHub
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def parse_admonitions(self, app: Sphinx, doctree: nodes.document, docname: str) -> None: """Parses data from generic and specific admonitions :param doctree: the doctree from one of the :attr:`~.src_files` """ src = doctree.get('source') rst = self.sources[src] admonitions = [] # Generate new doctree to account for only directives doctree = get_doctree(app, rst, docname) for admonition in list(doctree.findall(nodes.Admonition)): info = { 'body': admonition.rawsource } if isinstance(admonition, nodes.admonition): # Generic Admonition (using admonition directive) info.update({ 'type': 'generic', 'class': admonition.get('classes')[0], 'title': admonition.children[0].rawsource }) else: # Specific Admonition (for example, .. note::) info.update({ 'type': 'specific', 'class': admonition.tagname, 'title': admonition.tagname.title() }) admonitions.append(info) self.admonitions[src] = admonitions Parses data from generic and specific admonitions
- Parameters
doctree (document) – the doctree from one of the
parse_intersphinx_nodes(app, doctree, docname)View on GitHub
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def parse_intersphinx_nodes(self, app: Sphinx, doctree: nodes.document, docname: str) -> None: """Parses cross-references that utilize :mod:`sphinx.ext.intersphinx` :param doctree: the doctree from one of the :attr:`~.src_files` """ xref_pattern, xref_title_pattern = self.get_xref_regex(, roles=self.objtypes.keys()) src = doctree.get('source') rst = self.sources[src] nodes_to_parse = [] reference_nodes = list(doctree.findall(nodes.reference)) # Add reference nodes from substitutions for sub in doctree.substitution_defs.values(): if isinstance(sub.children[0], nodes.reference): reference_nodes.append(sub.children[0]) # Keep nodes with external URIs for node in reference_nodes: if node.get('internal') is False: nodes_to_parse.append(node.children[0]) # Generate new doctree to account for only directives, then add problematic nodes problematic_nodes = get_doctree(app, rst, docname).findall(nodes.problematic) nodes_to_parse.extend(problematic_nodes) # Parse xrefs from nodes for node in nodes_to_parse: if '<' in node.rawsource: pattern = xref_title_pattern else: pattern = xref_pattern if not (match := re.match(pattern, node.rawsource)): continue _, external, role, *_, ref_id = match.groups() self.parse_external_node(external, role, ref_id.lstrip('~.')) Parses cross-references that utilize
- Parameters
doctree (document) – the doctree from one of the
parse_external_node(external, role, ref_id)View on GitHub
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def parse_external_node(self, external, role, ref_id) -> None: objtypes = self.objtypes[role] for objtype in objtypes: # Check intersphinx inventory for applicable objtypes if xref := self.get_external_ref(external, objtype, ref_id): break if xref is None: return if xref.objtype.startswith("py"): is_callable = xref.objtype in ("py:method", "py:function") self.add_variants(,, is_callable) else: if self.config.inline_markup and xref.objtype not in ('std:label', 'std:doc'): xref.label = f"``{xref.label}``" self.ref_map.setdefault(role, {}).setdefault(, { "replace": xref.label, "target": })
parse_toctrees(app, doctree, docname)View on GitHub
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def parse_toctrees(self, app: Sphinx, doctree: nodes.document, docname: str) -> None: """Parses the caption and entry data from :class:`~.sphinx.addnodes.toctree` nodes .. caution:: Toctrees are currently parsed as if the directive has the ``:titlesonly:`` option :param doctree: the doctree from one of the :attr:`~.src_files` """ source = doctree.get('source') tocs = app.env.tocs for toctree in list(doctree.findall(addnodes.toctree)): toc = self._parse_toctree(toctree, docname, tocs) self.toctrees[source].append(toc) Parses the caption and entry data from
Toctrees are currently parsed as if the directive has the
option- Parameters
doctree (document) – the doctree from one of the
parse_rubrics(app, doctree, docname)View on GitHub
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def parse_rubrics(self, app: Sphinx, doctree: nodes.document, docname: str) -> None: """Parses the content from :rst:dir:`rubric` directives""" source = doctree.get('source') rst = self.sources[source] rubrics = [] # Generate new doctree to account for only directives doctree = get_doctree(app, rst, docname) for rubric in doctree.findall(nodes.rubric): rubrics.append(rubric.rawsource) self.rubrics[source] = rubrics Parses the content from
get_external_ref(external, objtype, ref_id)View on GitHub
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def get_external_ref(self, external: str, objtype: str, ref_id: str) -> Optional[ExternalRef]: """Retrieves external cross-reference data from the :mod:`sphinx.ext.intersphinx` inventory :param external: the ``:external:`` or ``:external+pkg:`` portion of the xref, if present :param objtype: the name of the object type being referenced :param ref_id: the target of the cross-reference :return: an :class:`~.ExternalRef` object if the lookup was successful, otherwise ``None`` """ pkg = None # First, attempt to constrain lookup to specific package # Check for :external+pkg:role:`ref_id` syntax if external and "+" in external: pkg = external.split('+')[-1] # Check for :role:`pkg:ref_id` syntax elif ":" in ref_id: tokens = ref_id.split(":", maxsplit=1) # Ensure it's not `directive:option` or `doc:section` if tokens[0] in self.intersphinx_pkgs: pkg, ref_id = tokens if objtype == "std:label": ref_id = nodes.fully_normalize_name(ref_id) # Lookup reference in intersphinx named or regular inventory inventory = self.named_inventory.get(pkg, self.inventory) if xref := inventory.get(objtype, {}).get(ref_id): return ExternalRef(objtype, *xref, ref_id) Retrieves external cross-reference data from the
inventory- Parameters
- Returns
object if the lookup was successful, otherwiseNone
- Return type
get_external_id(external, role, ref_id)View on GitHub
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def get_external_id(self, external: str, role: str, ref_id: str) -> Optional[str]: """Helper function to get the ``ref_id`` when replacing external xrefs""" for objtype in self.objtypes[role]: if xref := self.get_external_ref(external, objtype, ref_id): return Helper function to get the
when replacing external xrefs
is_external_xref(external, role, ref_id)View on GitHub
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def is_external_xref(self, external: str, role: str, ref_id: str) -> bool: """Helper function to check if a cross-reference is explicitly external""" return any(( external, role in self.roles['rst'], ":" in ref_id and ref_id.split(":", maxsplit=1)[0] in self.intersphinx_pkgs )) Helper function to check if a cross-reference is explicitly external
- Return type
resolve()View on GitHub
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def resolve(self) -> None: """Uses parsed data from to replace cross-references and directives in the :attr:`~.src_files` Once resolved, files are written to the :attr:`~.out_dir`. """ for src, rst in self.sources.items(): # Replace everything using parsed data rst = self.replace_admonitions(src, rst) rst = self.replace_rst_images(src, rst) rst = self.replace_toctrees(src, rst) rst = self.replace_rubrics(src, rst) rst = self.replace_xrefs(src, rst) rst = self.replace_py_xrefs(src, rst) rst = self.replace_unresolved_xrefs(rst) # Prepend substitution definitions for cross-reference substitutions = self.substitutions[src] header_vals = [] for target in sorted(substitutions, key=lambda t: (t.lower().lstrip("`~."), t.lower())): header_vals.append('\n'.join(substitutions[target])) # Write the final output rst_out = self.config.src_files[src] rst_out.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) output = "\n".join(header_vals) + "\n\n" + rst rst_out.write_text(output, encoding='utf-8') print(f'``sphinx_readme``: saved generated file to {rst_out}') Uses parsed data from to replace cross-references and directives in the
Once resolved, files are written to the
replace_admonitions(rst_src, rst)View on GitHub
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def replace_admonitions(self, rst_src: str, rst: str) -> str: """Replaces generic and specific admonition directives with HTML tables or ``list-table`` directives, depending on the value of :confval:`readme_raw_directive` .. admonition:: Customizing Admonitions :class: about The :attr:`~.icon_map` can be overriden to use custom admonition icons/classes * See :confval:`readme_admonition_icons` and :confval:`readme_default_admonition_icon` :param rst_src: absolute path of the source file :param rst: content of the source file """ for admonition in self.admonitions[rst_src]: pattern = self.get_admonition_regex(admonition) icon = self.get_admonition_icon(admonition) if not self.config.raw_directive: rst = re.sub( pattern=pattern, repl=lambda match: self._replace_admonition( match, rst_src, admonition, icon), string=rst, ) else: rst = re.sub( pattern=pattern, repl=self.config.admonition_template.format( title=admonition['title'], text=admonition['body'], icon=icon), string=rst ) return rst Replaces generic and specific admonition directives with HTML tables or
directives, depending on the value ofreadme_raw_directive
Customizing Admonitions
can be overriden to use custom admonition icons/classes
replace_toctrees(rst_src, rst)View on GitHub
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def replace_toctrees(self, rst_src: str, rst: str) -> str: """Replaces :rst:dir:`toctree` directives with hyperlinked bullet lists .. note:: Entries will link to HTML documentation regardless of the value of :confval:`readme_docs_url_type` :param rst_src: absolute path of the source file :param rst: content of the source file """ pattern = r"\.\. toctree::\s*?\n+?(?:^[ ]+.+?$|^\s*$)+?(?=\n*\S+|\Z)" toctrees = re.findall(pattern, rst, re.M | re.DOTALL) for toctree, info in zip(toctrees, self.toctrees[rst_src]): titles_only = info.get('titles_only') maxdepth = info.get('maxdepth', 1) repl = "" if info['caption']: repl += f"**{info['caption']}**\n\n" for entry in info['entries']: repl = self._replace_toctree_entry(rst_src, entry, repl, maxdepth, titles_only) last_line = repl.strip().split('\n')[-1] last_indent = len(last_line) - len(last_line.lstrip()) repl += f"\n{(last_indent + 2) * ' '}|\n\n" # Add line break at next indent to improve spacing # Replace toctree directive with substitutions rst = rst.replace(toctree, repl) return rst Replaces
directives with hyperlinked bullet listsNote
Entries will link to HTML documentation regardless of the value of
replace_rst_images(rst_src, rst)View on GitHub
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def replace_rst_images(self, rst_src: str, rst: str) -> str: """Replaces filepaths in ``image`` directives with repository links **Example:** :rst:`.. image:: /_static/logo_readme.png` would be replaced with :rst:`.. image::` .. note:: Your repository will be used as the image source regardless of the value of :confval:`readme_docs_url_type` :param rst_src: absolute path of the source file :param rst: content of the source file """ src_dir = self.config.src_dir repo_dir = self.config.repo_dir rst_src_dir = Path(rst_src).parent relpath_to_src_dir = src_dir.relative_to(repo_dir) # Find the targets of all image directives img_pattern = r"\.\. image:: ([./\w-]+\.\w{3,4})" img_paths = re.findall(img_pattern, rst) for img_path in img_paths: if img_path.startswith("/"): # These paths are relative to source dir path_to_img = Path(f"{relpath_to_src_dir}{img_path}").as_posix() else: # These paths are relative to rst_file dir abs_img_path = (rst_src_dir / Path(img_path)).resolve() # Find path of image relative to the repo directory path_to_img = abs_img_path.relative_to(repo_dir).as_posix() # Sub that hoe in!!! rst = re.sub( pattern=rf"\.\. image:: {img_path}", repl=fr".. image:: {self.config.image_baseurl}/{path_to_img}", string=rst ) return rst Replaces filepaths in
directives with repository linksExample:
.. image:: /_static/logo_readme.png
would be replaced with
.. image::
Your repository will be used as the image source regardless of the value of
replace_rubrics(rst_src, rst, force_markup=False)View on GitHub
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def replace_rubrics(self, rst_src: str, rst: str, force_markup: bool = False) -> str: """Replaces :rst:dir:`rubric` directives with the section heading character specified by :confval:`readme_rubric_heading` If :confval:`readme_rubric_heading` is not specified, the rubric will be replaced with bold text instead ... **Example:** Consider a source file that contains :rst:`.. rubric:: This is a \`\`rubric\`\` directive` * Replacement without specifying ``readme_rubric_heading``:: **This is a** ``rubric`` **directive** * Replacement if :code:`readme_rubric_heading = "^"`:: This is a ``rubric`` directive ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :param rst_src: absolute path of the source file :param rst: content of the source file """ rubric_pattern = r'\.\. rubric:: ({body})(?=\n?$(?:\n+?^\s*$|\Z))' heading_chars = '!"#$%&\'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~' if heading := self.config.rubric_heading: if heading not in heading_chars: heading = None for rubric in self.rubrics[rst_src]: pattern = rubric_pattern.format(body=re.escape(rubric).replace("\\\n", "\\\n[ ]+")) text = ' '.join(line.strip() for line in rubric.split('\n')) if heading and not force_markup: repl = text + "\n" + (len(text) * heading) else: text = self.replace_xrefs(rst_src, text) text = self.replace_py_xrefs(rst_src, text) repl = format_rst("bold", text) repl = repl.replace("\\", r"\\") rst = re.sub(pattern, repl, rst, flags=re.M) return rst Replaces
directives with the section heading character specified byreadme_rubric_heading
is not specified, the rubric will be replaced with bold text instead…
Consider a source file that contains
.. rubric:: This is a ``rubric`` directive
Replacement without specifying
:**This is a** ``rubric`` **directive**
Replacement if
readme_rubric_heading = "^"
:This is a ``rubric`` directive ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
replace_xrefs(rst_src, rst)View on GitHub
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def replace_xrefs(self, rst_src: str, rst: str) -> str: """Replaces cross-references from the |std_domain| and |rst_domain| with substitutions or inline links .. tip:: This includes cross-references for any custom objects added by :meth:`Sphinx.add_object_type() <sphinx.application.Sphinx.add_object_type>` :param rst_src: absolute path of the source file :param rst: content of the source file :return: the ``rst`` with all applicable cross-references replaced by links/substitutions """ xrefs = set() for pattern in self.get_xref_regex(domains=["rst", "std"]): xrefs.update(re.findall( pattern=pattern, string=rst)) for xref in xrefs: if len(xref) == 5: # From title pattern full_xref, external, role, title, ref_id = xref else: full_xref, external, role, ref_id, *title = xref # If xref is explicitly external, force resolve with external lookup if is_explicitly_external := self.is_external_xref(external, role, ref_id): ref_id = self.get_external_id(external, role, ref_id) elif role == "ref": # Normalize ref_id to ensure match in ref_map ref_id = nodes.fully_normalize_name(ref_id) elif role == "doc": if ref_id.startswith("/"): # These document paths are relative to source dir ref_id = ref_id.lstrip('/') else: # These document paths are relative to rst_src dir abs_doc_path = (Path(rst_src).parent/Path(ref_id)).resolve() ref_id = abs_doc_path.relative_to(self.config.src_dir).as_posix() # Match the xref with target data in the ref_map ref_map = self.ref_map.get(role, {}) if ref_id not in ref_map and not is_explicitly_external: # If data is missing and the xref isn't explicitly external, check # intersphinx since it's also used as a fallback resolution ref_id = self.get_external_id(external, role, ref_id) if not (info := ref_map.get(ref_id)): continue if title: # Include explicit title in substitution name ref_id = f"{ref_id}+{title}" # Add inline markup if replacement had it if info['replace'].startswith("`"): title = f"``{title}``" link, subs = format_hyperlink( target=info['target'], text=title or info['replace'], sub_override=f".{ref_id}", force_subs=True ) self.substitutions[rst_src][ref_id] = subs rst = re.sub( # Replace cross-ref with substitution pattern = rf"(?<![^\s{BEFORE_XREF}]){escape_rst(full_xref)}(?=[\s{AFTER_XREF}]|\Z)", repl=link, string=rst ) return rst Replaces cross-references from the Standard Domain and reStructuredText Domain with substitutions or inline links
This includes cross-references for any custom objects added by
replace_py_xrefs(rst_src, rst)View on GitHub
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def replace_py_xrefs(self, rst_src: str, rst: str) -> str: """Replace |py_domain| cross-references with substitutions These substitutions will be hyperlinked to the corresponding source code or HTML documentation entry, depending on the value of :confval:`readme_docs_url_type` .. note: External attributes are always hyperlinked, but attributes for your own package will only be hyperlinked if linking to HTML documentation :param rst_src: absolute path of the source file :param rst: content of the source file """ xrefs = set() targets = { 'regular': { 'xrefs': [], 'repl': r"|.\4|_" # Replace with |.{ref_id}|_ }, 'title': { 'xrefs': [], 'repl': r"|.\5+\4|_" # Replace with |.{ref_id}+{title}|_ } } # Find all :ref_role:`ref_id` or :ref_role:`title <ref_id>` cross-refs for pattern in self.get_xref_regex("py"): xrefs.update(re.findall( pattern=pattern, string=rst)) for xref in xrefs: if len(xref) == 5: # From title pattern full_xref, external, role, title, ref_id = xref else: full_xref, external, role, ref_id, *title = xref if not (info := self.ref_map.get(ref_id)): continue if title: # Include explicit title in substitution name targets['title']['xrefs'].append(ref_id) ref_id = f"{ref_id}+{title}" if self.config.inline_markup: title = f"``{title}``" else: targets['regular']['xrefs'].append(ref_id) link, subs = format_hyperlink( target=info['target'], text=title or info['replace'], sub_override=f".{ref_id}", force_subs=True ) self.substitutions[rst_src][ref_id] = subs # Replace cross-refs with substitutions for xref_type, xref_data in targets.items(): if xrefs := xref_data['xrefs']: rst = re.sub( pattern=self.get_xref_regex("py", targets=xrefs, xref_type=xref_type), repl=xref_data['repl'], string=rst ) return rst Replace
cross-references with substitutionsThese substitutions will be hyperlinked to the corresponding source code or HTML documentation entry, depending on the value of
replace_unresolved_xrefs(rst)View on GitHub
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def replace_unresolved_xrefs(self, rst: str) -> str: """Replaces any unresolved cross-references from all domains with inline literals""" # Replace unresolved Python cross-refs roles = self.roles['py'].copy() if not self.config.replace_attrs: roles.remove('attr') rst = replace_xrefs(rst, roles) # Replace unresolved cross-refs from Standard and RST domain for pattern in self.get_xref_regex(domains=["rst", "std"]): rst = re.sub( pattern=pattern, repl=r"``\4``", # Target or explicit title string=rst ) return rst Replaces any unresolved cross-references from all domains with inline literals
- Return type
get_xref_regex(domains, roles=None, targets=None, xref_type=None)View on GitHub
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def get_xref_regex(self, domains: str | Iterable[str], roles: Optional[str | Iterable[str]] = None, targets: Optional[str | Iterable[str]] = None, xref_type: Optional[str] = None) -> str | Tuple[str, str]: """Returns the regex to match cross-references .. note:: The patterns have the following match groups: :Regular Cross-References: 1. The full cross-reference 2. The external role, if present 3. The cross-reference role 4. The cross-reference target :Explicit Title Cross-References: 1. The full cross-reference 2. The external role, if present 3. The cross-reference role 4. The explicit title 5. The cross-reference target :param domains: an individual or list of Sphinx object domains to match :param roles: an individual or list of cross-reference roles to match; matches all domain roles if not provided :param targets: an individual or list of targets to match; matches all xrefs if not provided :param xref_type: the xref type to match (``"regular"`` or ``"title"``); returns both if not specified :return: the regex pattern to match regular xrefs, xrefs with explicit titles, or a tuple containing both """ if targets is None: # Match every cross-reference targets = r"~?\.?[\w./: -]+" if isinstance(targets, str): targets = [targets] targets = f"({'|'.join(targets)})" if isinstance(domains, str): domains = [domains] if roles: if isinstance(roles, str): roles = [roles] else: roles = [role for domain in domains for role in self.roles[domain]] if "py" in domains and self.config.replace_attrs is False: roles.remove("attr") roles = "|".join(roles) domains = "|".join(domains) xref_pattern = fr"(?<![^\s{BEFORE_XREF}])(:(?:(external(?:\+\w+)?):)?(?:(?:{domains}):)?({roles}):`{targets}`)(?=[\s{AFTER_XREF}]|\Z)" xref_title_pattern = fr"(?<![^\s{BEFORE_XREF}])(:(?:(external(?:\+\w+)?):)?(?:(?:{domains}):)?({roles}):`([^`]+?)\s<{targets}>`)(?=[\s{AFTER_XREF}]|\Z)" if xref_type == "regular": return xref_pattern elif xref_type == "title": return xref_title_pattern else: return xref_pattern, xref_title_pattern Returns the regex to match cross-references
The patterns have the following match groups:
- Regular Cross-References
The full cross-reference
The external role, if present
The cross-reference role
The cross-reference target
- Explicit Title Cross-References
The full cross-reference
The external role, if present
The cross-reference role
The explicit title
The cross-reference target
- Parameters
domains (Union[str, Iterable[str]]) – an individual or list of Sphinx object domains to match
roles (Optional[Union[str, Iterable[str]]]) – an individual or list of cross-reference roles to match; matches all domain roles if not provided
targets (Optional[Union[str, Iterable[str]]]) – an individual or list of targets to match; matches all xrefs if not provided
xref_type (Optional[str]) – the xref type to match (
); returns both if not specified
- Returns
the regex pattern to match regular xrefs, xrefs with explicit titles, or a tuple containing both
- Return type
get_admonition_regex(admonition)View on GitHub
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def get_admonition_regex(self, admonition: Dict[str, str]) -> str: """Returns the regex to match a specific admonition directive :param admonition: a dict containing admonition data """ body = escape_rst(admonition['body']).replace('\n', r'\n\s*') title = escape_rst(admonition['title']) if admonition['type'] == 'specific': # For example, .. note:: This is a note pattern = fr"\.\. {admonition['class']}::\n*?\s+" else: # Generic admonition directives with/without class option pattern = rf"\.\. admonition::\s+{title}" + r"\n" if cls := admonition['class']: if 'admonition-' not in cls: pattern += rf"\s+:class: {cls}" + r"\n" pattern += r"\n*?\s+" if not self.config.raw_directive: # list-table template body uses match group pattern = rf"([ ]*){pattern}({body})(?=\n*(?:\1)?" else: # raw html template body uses string formatting pattern += rf"{body}(?=\n*" pattern += r"(?:\S+|\Z))" return pattern Returns the regex to match a specific admonition directive
get_admonition_icon(admonition)View on GitHub
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def get_admonition_icon(self, admonition: dict) -> str: """Returns the icon to use for an admonition :param admonition: a dict of admonition data """ if icon := self.config.icon_map.get(admonition['class']): return icon else: return self.config.default_admonition_icon Returns the icon to use for an admonition
__init__(app)View on GitHub