sphinx_inlinecode package

sphinx_inlinecode.BAD_OBJTYPES = ('attribute', 'data', 'decorator')

Object types that can’t have code blocks inserted

sphinx_inlinecode.setup(app)View on GitHub
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def setup(app: Sphinx) -> Dict[str, Any]: app.connect("builder-inited", add_static_path) app.connect('build-finished', add_source_code) app.setup_extension('sphinx.ext.viewcode') app.add_css_file("sphinx-inlinecode.css") app.add_js_file('sphinx-inlinecode.js') return {'version': sphinx.__display_version__, 'parallel_read_safe': True}
Return type

Dict[str, Any]

sphinx_inlinecode.add_static_path(app)View on GitHub
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def add_static_path(app) -> None: """Add the path for the ``_static`` folder""" app.config.html_static_path.append( str(Path(__file__).parent.joinpath("_static").absolute()) )

Add the path for the _static folder

sphinx_inlinecode.add_source_code(app, exception)View on GitHub
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def add_source_code(app: Sphinx, exception) -> None: """Inserts source code blocks into documentation entries.""" if app.builder.name != 'html': return highlighter = app.builder.highlighter outdir = Path(app.builder.outdir) objects = parse_py_domain(app) for doc in app.env.found_docs: # Check if the file has any documentation entries if app.env.get_doctree(doc).traverse(addnodes.desc_signature): file = outdir.joinpath(f"{doc}.html") add_code_blocks(file, objects, highlighter)

Inserts source code blocks into documentation entries.

sphinx_inlinecode.parse_py_domain(app)View on GitHub
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def parse_py_domain(app) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Parses all Python objects in the package from the :external:class:`~.BuildEnvironment` :returns: a dictionary mapping fully qualified object names to the actual objects """ py_objects = app.env.domaindata.get('py', {}).get("objects", {}) object_map = {} for qualname, entry in py_objects.items(): if entry.objtype in ("attribute", "data", "decorator"): continue # Cannot get source code lines parts = entry.node_id.removeprefix('module-').split('.') if entry.objtype in ("class", "function", "module", "exception"): module = '.'.join(parts[:-1]).removeprefix('module-') fullname = parts[-1] elif entry.objtype in ("method", "property"): module = '.'.join(parts[:-2]) fullname = '.'.join(parts[-2:]) else: continue submod = sys.modules.get(module) if submod is None: continue obj = submod for part in fullname.split('.'): try: obj = getattr(obj, part) except AttributeError: continue if isinstance(obj, property): obj = obj.fget elif isinstance(obj, cached_property): obj = obj.func object_map[qualname] = obj return object_map

Parses all Python objects in the package from the BuildEnvironment


a dictionary mapping fully qualified object names to the actual objects

Return type

Dict[str, Any]

sphinx_inlinecode.add_code_blocks(file, objects, highlighter)View on GitHub
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def add_code_blocks(file: Path, objects: Dict[str, Any], highlighter: "PythonLexer") -> None: """Inserts source code blocks into the provided HTML file and writes the output. :param file: path to the HTML file. :param objects: dictionary containing the objects in the package :param highlighter: the Pygments lexer to highlight source code blocks with """ soup = BeautifulSoup(file.read_text(encoding='utf-8'), 'html.parser') doc_entries = soup.findAll("dt", "sig sig-object py") for doc_entry in doc_entries: if doc_entry.parent['class'][-1] in BAD_OBJTYPES: continue target = doc_entry.get('id') viewcode_label = doc_entry.find("span", "viewcode-link") if not target: if not viewcode_label: continue else: target = get_target(viewcode_label.parent) if not (obj := objects.get(target)): continue # Highlight and insert the source code block after the object signature code_block = get_code_block(target, obj, highlighter) doc_entry.append(code_block) if viewcode_label: # Remove the viewcode link, if it exists viewcode_label.parent.replace_with() file.write_text(str(soup), encoding='utf-8')

Inserts source code blocks into the provided HTML file and writes the output.

  • file (Path) – path to the HTML file.

  • objects (Dict[str, Any]) – dictionary containing the objects in the package

  • highlighter (PythonLexer) – the Pygments lexer to highlight source code blocks with

sphinx_inlinecode.get_target(viewcode_link)View on GitHub
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def get_target(viewcode_link: Tag) -> str: """Parses the fully qualified object name from the viewcode internal reference :param viewcode_link: the viewcode internal reference :return: the fully qualified name of the referenced object """ return viewcode_link.get('href').removeprefix("_modules/").replace("html#", "").replace("/", ".")

Parses the fully qualified object name from the viewcode internal reference


viewcode_link (Tag) – the viewcode internal reference


the fully qualified name of the referenced object

Return type


sphinx_inlinecode.get_code_block(qualname, obj, highlighter)View on GitHub
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def get_code_block(qualname: str, obj: Any, highlighter: PythonLexer) -> BeautifulSoup: """Parses and highlights the source code lines of the provided object :param qualname: the fully qualified name of the object :param obj: the actual object to retrieve the source code lines from :param highlighter: the Pygments lexer to highlight the code block with :return: the highlighted and fully formatted HTML codeblock to insert """ sourcelines, _ = inspect.getsourcelines(obj) initial_indent = len(sourcelines[0]) - len(sourcelines[0].lstrip()) if initial_indent: # Remove common leading whitespace pattern = fr"[ ]{{{initial_indent}}}(.*)" sourcelines = ( re.sub(pattern, r"\1", line) for line in sourcelines ) # Convert to HTML code block with syntax highlighting highlighted = highlighter.highlight_block( source=''.join(sourcelines), lang='python', linenos=False ) lines = highlighted.splitlines() before, after = re.split(r"<pre>(?:<span></span>)?", lines[0]) lines[0] = f'{before}<pre><div class="viewcode-block" id="{qualname}">{after}' code_block = '\n'.join(lines) return wrap_code_block(code_block)

Parses and highlights the source code lines of the provided object

  • qualname (str) – the fully qualified name of the object

  • obj (Any) – the actual object to retrieve the source code lines from

  • highlighter (PythonLexer) – the Pygments lexer to highlight the code block with


the highlighted and fully formatted HTML codeblock to insert

Return type


sphinx_inlinecode.wrap_code_block(code_block)View on GitHub
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def wrap_code_block(code_block: str) -> BeautifulSoup: """Wraps the given code block inside a ``<details>`` HTML element :param code_block: HTML of the code block to wrap :return: the wrapped code block """ html = f""" <details class="sphinx-inlinecode"> <summary> <span class="pre">View Source Code</span> </summary> {code_block} </details> """ return BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser')

Wraps the given code block inside a <details> HTML element


code_block (str) – HTML of the code block to wrap


the wrapped code block

Return type
