Source code for InstaTweet.profile

from __future__ import annotations
import os
import copy
import json
import pickle
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Iterable, Dict
from . import TweetClient, DBConnection, USER_AGENT

[docs]class Profile: """The :class:`Profile` is a configuration class used extensively throughout the package It consists of a :attr:`~page_map` and an associated collection of API/web scraping :ref:`settings <settings>` ... .. admonition:: About the Page Map :class: instatweet **The** :attr:`~.page_map` **is a dict containing info about the pages added to a** :class:`~.Profile` * It's used to help detect new posts and compose tweets on a per-page basis * Entries are created when you :meth:`~.add_pages`, which map the page to a :attr:`~.PAGE_MAPPING` * The :attr:`~.PAGE_MAPPING` maintains lists of hashtags, scraped posts, and sent tweets * The mapping is updated when you :meth:`~.add_hashtags` and successfully :meth:`~.send_tweet` ... **[Optional]** A unique, identifying :attr:`~name` can optionally be assigned to the Profile, which may then be used to :meth:`~save` and :meth:`~load` its settings The save location is determined by the value of :attr:`Profile.local` as follows: * If ``True``, saves are made locally to the :attr:`~LOCAL_DIR` as .pickle files * If ``False``, saves are made remotely to a database as pickle bytes See :ref:`save-profile` for more information ... """ #: Template for an entry in the :attr:`~page_map` PAGE_MAPPING: Dict = {'hashtags': [], 'scraped': [], 'tweets': []} #: Directory where local profiles are saved LOCAL_DIR: str = Path(__file__).parent.parent.joinpath("profiles")
[docs] def __init__(self, name: str = 'default', local: bool = True, **kwargs): """Create a new :class:`Profile` :param name: unique profile name :param local: indicates if profile is being saved locally or on a remote database :param kwargs: see below :Keyword Arguments: * *session_id* (``str``) Instagram ``sessionid`` cookie, obtained by logging in through browser * *twitter_keys* (``dict``) Twitter API Keys with v1.1 endpoint access (see :attr:`~.TweetClient.DEFAULT_KEYS` for a template) * *user_agent* (``str``) -- Optional The user agent to use for requests * *proxy_key* (``str``) -- Optional Environment variable to retrieve proxies from """ self.local = local = name # Will raise Exception if name is already used #: Instagram ``sessionid`` cookie, obtained by logging in through browser self.session_id: str = kwargs.get('session_id', '') #: Twitter API Keys with v1.1 endpoint access (see :attr:`~.DEFAULT_KEYS` for a template) self.twitter_keys: Dict = kwargs.get('twitter_keys', TweetClient.DEFAULT_KEYS) #: The user agent to use for requests self.user_agent: str = kwargs.get('user_agent', USER_AGENT) #: Environment variable to retrieve proxies from self.proxy_key: str = kwargs.get('proxy_key', None) #: Mapping of added Instagram pages and their :attr:`~PAGE_MAPPING` self.page_map: Dict[str, Dict] = kwargs.get('page_map', {})
[docs] @classmethod def load(cls, name: str, local: bool = True) -> Profile: """Loads an existing profile from a locally saved pickle file or remotely stored pickle bytes :param name: the name of the :class:`Profile` to load :param local: whether the profile is saved locally (default, ``True``) or remotely on a database """ if not cls.profile_exists(name, local): raise LookupError( f'No {"local" if local else "database"} profile found with the name "{name}"' ) if local: with open(cls.get_local_path(name), 'rb') as f: return pickle.load(f) else: with DBConnection() as db: return db.load_profile(name)
[docs] @classmethod def from_json(cls, json_str: str) -> Profile: """Creates a profile from a JSON formatted string of config settings""" return cls.from_dict(json.loads(json_str))
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, d: Dict) -> Profile: """Creates a profile from a dictionary of config settings""" return cls(**d)
[docs] @staticmethod def profile_exists(name: str, local: bool = True) -> bool: """Checks locally/remotely to see if a :class:`~Profile` with the specified name has an existing save file Whenever the :attr:`~name` is changed, its property setter calls this method to ensure you don't accidentally overwrite a save that already :attr:`~exists` :param name: the name of the :class:`Profile` to check for :param local: the location (local/remote) to check for an existing save """ if local: return os.path.exists(Profile.get_local_path(name)) else: with DBConnection() as db: return bool(db.query_profile(name).first())
[docs] @staticmethod def get_local_path(name: str) -> str: """Returns filepath of where a local profile would be saved""" return os.path.join(Profile.LOCAL_DIR, name) + '.pickle'
[docs] def add_pages(self, pages: Iterable, send_tweet: bool = False) -> None: """Add Instagram page(s) to the :attr:`~.page_map` for subsequent monitoring * An Instagram profile can be added as ``"@username"`` or ``"username"`` * A hashtag must be added as ``"#hashtag"`` .. note:: By default, newly added pages won't have their posts tweeted the first time they're scraped * The IDs of the most recent posts are stored in the ``scraped`` list * Any new posts from that point forward will be tweeted You can scrape AND tweet posts on the first run by setting ``send_tweet=True`` :param pages: Instagram pages to automatically scrape and tweet content from :param send_tweet: choose if tweets should be sent on the first scrape, or only for new posts going forward """ if not isinstance(pages, Iterable): raise TypeError(f'Invalid type provided. `pages` must be an Iterable') if isinstance(pages, str): pages = [pages] for page in pages: mapping = copy.deepcopy(Profile.PAGE_MAPPING) self.page_map.setdefault(page.lstrip("@"), mapping) if send_tweet: # Non-empty scraped list will trigger Tweets to send self.get_scraped_from(page).append(-1) print(f'Added Instagram page {page} to the page map') if self.exists: self._save_profile(alert=False)
[docs] def add_hashtags(self, page: str, hashtags: Iterable): """Add hashtag(s) to a page in the :attr:`~.page_map`, which will be randomly chosen from when composing Tweets :param page: the page in the page map to add hashtags to :param hashtags: hashtags to choose from and include in any Tweets where content comes from this page """ if not isinstance(hashtags, Iterable): raise TypeError("Hashtags must be provided as a string or iterable of strings") if isinstance(hashtags, str): hashtags = [hashtags] tags = self.get_hashtags_for(page) # Retrieve the current hashtag list tags.extend(set(hashtags) - set(tags)) # Add new ones (case-sensitive) if self.exists: self._save_profile(alert=False) print(f'Added hashtags for {page}')
[docs] def save(self, name: str = None, alert: bool = True) -> bool: """Pickles and saves the :class:`Profile` using the specified or currently set name. :param name: name to save the :class:`Profile` under; replaces the current :attr:`` :param alert: set to ``True`` to print a message upon successful save """ if name: = name if self.is_default: # Profile name wasn't specified and wasn't previously set raise AttributeError('Profile name is required to save the profile') else: return self._save_profile(alert=alert)
def _save_profile(self, alert: bool = True) -> bool: """Internal function to save the profile, based on the value of :attr:`~.local`""" if self.local: with open(self.profile_path, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(self, f) if alert: print(f'Saved Local Profile {}') return True else: with DBConnection() as db: return db.save_profile(profile=self, alert=alert)
[docs] def validate(self) -> None: """Checks to see if the Profile is fully configured for InstaTweeting :raises ValueError: if the :attr:`~.session_id`, :attr:`~.twitter_keys`, or :attr:`~.page_map` are invalid """ if not self.session_id: raise ValueError('Instagram sessionid cookie is required to scrape posts') if bad_keys := [key for key, value in self.twitter_keys.items() if value == 'string']: raise ValueError(f'Values not set for the following Twitter keys: {bad_keys}') if not self.page_map: raise ValueError('You must add at least one Instagram page to auto-tweet from')
[docs] def to_pickle(self) -> bytes: """Serializes profile to a pickled byte string""" return pickle.dumps(self)
[docs] def to_json(self) -> str: """Serializes profile to a JSON formatted string""" return json.dumps(self.to_dict())
[docs] def to_dict(self) -> dict: """Serializes profile to a dict""" return self.config
[docs] def view_config(self): """Prints the :attr:`~.config` dict to make it legible""" for k, v in self.config.items(): print(f'{k} : {v}')
@property def config(self) -> dict: """Returns a dictionary containing important configuration settings""" return { 'name':, 'local': self.local, 'session_id': self.session_id, 'twitter_keys': self.twitter_keys, 'user_agent': self.user_agent, 'proxy_key': self.proxy_key, 'page_map': self.page_map, } @property def exists(self) -> bool: """Returns True if a local save file or database record exists for the currently set profile name""" return self.profile_exists(, local=self.local) @property def is_default(self) -> bool: """Check if profile :attr:`` is set or not""" return == 'default' @property def profile_path(self) -> str: """If :attr:`~.local` is ``True``, returns the file path for where this profile would be/is saved""" if self.local and not self.is_default: return Profile.get_local_path( return ''
[docs] def get_page(self, page: str) -> dict: """Returns the specified page's dict entry in the :attr:`page_map`""" return self.page_map[page.lstrip('@')]
[docs] def get_scraped_from(self, page: str) -> list: """Returns a list of posts that have been scraped from the specified page""" return self.get_page(page)['scraped']
[docs] def get_tweets_for(self, page: str) -> list: """Returns a list of tweets that use the specified page's scraped content""" return self.get_page(page)['tweets']
[docs] def get_hashtags_for(self, page: str) -> list: """Returns the hashtag list for the specified page""" return self.get_page(page)['hashtags']
@property def local(self) -> bool: """Indicates if saves should be made locally (``True``) or on a remote database (``False``) """ return self._local @local.setter def local(self, local: bool): if local: if not os.path.exists(self.LOCAL_DIR): os.mkdir(self.LOCAL_DIR) self._local = local @property def name(self) -> str: """A name for the Profile The :attr:`` is used differently depending on the value of :attr:`~.local` * ``local==True``: the name determines the :attr:`~.profile_path` (path where it would save to) * ``local==False``: the name is used as the primary key in the :class:`~.Profiles` database table ... .. admonition:: Profile Names Must Be Unique :class: instatweet When you set or change the :attr:``, a property setter will make sure no :meth:`~profile_exists` with that name before actually updating it * This ensures that you don't accidentally overwrite a different Profile's save data ... :raises FileExistsError: if :attr:`~local` ``==True`` and a save is found in the :attr:`~LOCAL_DIR` :raises ResourceWarning: if :attr:`~local` ``==False`` and a database row is found by :meth:`~.query_profile` """ return self._name @name.setter def name(self, profile_name: str): """Sets the profile name, if a profile with that name doesn't already exist locally/remotely""" if profile_name != 'default' and self.profile_exists(profile_name, local=self.local): if self.local: raise FileExistsError( 'Local save file already exists for profile named "{}"\n'.format(profile_name) + 'Please choose another name, load the profile, or delete the file.') else: raise ResourceWarning( 'Database record already exists for profile named "{}"\n'.format(profile_name) + 'Please choose another name or use InstaTweet.db to load/delete the profile' ) self._name = profile_name @property def session_id(self) -> str: """Instagram ``sessionid`` cookie, obtained by logging in through a browser :Tip: If you log into your account with a browser you don't use, the session cookie will last longer """ return self._session_id @session_id.setter def session_id(self, session_id: str): if not isinstance(session_id, str): raise TypeError( f'Session ID cookie must be of type {str}' ) self._session_id = session_id if self.exists: self._save_profile(alert=False) @property def twitter_keys(self) -> Dict: """Twitter developer API keys with v1.1 endpoint access. See :attr:`~.DEFAULT_KEYS`""" return self._twitter_keys @twitter_keys.setter def twitter_keys(self, api_keys: dict): if not isinstance(api_keys, dict): raise TypeError( f'Twitter Keys must be of type {dict}' ) if missing_keys := [key for key in TweetClient.DEFAULT_KEYS if key not in api_keys]: raise KeyError( f'Missing Twitter Keys: {missing_keys}' ) for key in TweetClient.DEFAULT_KEYS: if not bool(api_keys[key]): raise ValueError( f'Missing Value for Twitter Key: {key}' ) self._twitter_keys = api_keys if self.exists: self._save_profile(alert=False)