from __future__ import annotations
import os
from datetime import datetime
from tweepy.models import Status
from functools import cached_property
from typing import Union, List, Optional, Dict
[docs]class InstaPost:
"""Minimalistic API response wrapper for an Instagram post"""
[docs] def __init__(self, data: dict, client: Optional["InstaClient"] = None):
"""Initialize an :class:`~InstaPost`
:param data: the JSON response data of a single Instagram post, found within the :attr:`~.InstaUser.user_data`
if 'data' in data: # If scraped from ``get_post()``
data = data['data'].get('shortcode_media', {})
#: Source data from API response
self.json = data
self.client = client
#: The post id = data['id']
self.dimensions: dict = data.get('dimensions', {})
self.is_video: bool = data.get('is_video', False)
self.video_url = data.get('video_url', '')
#: Path of downloaded media, set by :meth:`~.InstaClient.download_post`
self.filepath: str = ''
#: Limited data from a successful tweet based off this post, set by :meth:`~.TweetClient.send_tweet`
self.tweet_data: dict = {}
def __str__(self):
return f'Post {} by @{self.owner["username"]} on {self.timestamp}'
def children(self) -> List[InstaPost]:
"""If the post is a carousel, returns a list of child :class:`InstaPost`'s"""
if self.is_carousel:
edges = self.json['edge_sidecar_to_children']['edges']
return [InstaPost(edge['node']) for edge in edges]
return []
def permalink(self) -> str:
return f'{self.shortcode}'
def shortcode(self) -> str:
return self.json.get('shortcode', self.json.get('code', ''))
def caption(self) -> str:
if caption_edge := self.json.get('edge_media_to_caption', {}).get('edges', []):
return caption_edge[0].get('node', {}).get('text', '')
return ''
def likes(self) -> Optional[int]:
return self.json.get('edge_liked_by', {}).get('count')
def media_url(self) -> str:
"""The direct URL to the actual post content
:returns: the :attr:`~.video_url` if the post is a video, otherwise the :attr:`~.thumbnail_url`
return self.video_url if self.is_video else self.thumbnail_url
def thumbnail_url(self) -> str:
return self.json.get('display_url',
[{}])[-1].get('src', '')))
def is_downloaded(self) -> bool:
"""Checks the :attr:`~filepath` to see if the post has been downloaded yet"""
if self.is_carousel:
return all(child.is_downloaded for child in self.children)
return os.path.exists(self.filepath)
def is_carousel(self) -> bool:
return 'edge_sidecar_to_children' in self.json
def filename(self) -> str:
"""Concatenates :attr:`~id` + :attr:`~filetype` to create the default filename, for use when saving the post
**For Example**::
>> print(post.filename)
return + self.filetype
def filetype(self) -> str:
"""Filetype of the post, based on the value of :attr:`~is_video`"""
return '.mp4' if self.is_video else '.jpg'
def owner(self) -> Dict:
if owner := self.json.get('owner', {}):
if not owner.get('username'):
if self.client and (uid := owner.get('id')):
owner['username'] = self.client.get_username(uid)
return owner
return dict.fromkeys(['id', 'username'])
def timestamp(self) -> Union[datetime, str]:
if timestamp := self.json.get('taken_at_timestamp', self.json.get('taken_at', '')):
return datetime.utcfromtimestamp(timestamp)
return ''