from __future__ import annotations
import os
import pickle
import InstaTweet
from sqlalchemy import create_engine, Column, String, LargeBinary
from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker, scoped_session, Query
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
DATABASE_URL = os.getenv('DATABASE_URL', '').replace('postgres://', 'postgresql://', 1)
"""The Database URL to use, obtained from the ``DATABASE_URL`` environment variable"""
Base = declarative_base()
"""Base for creating tables"""
[docs]class Profiles(Base):
"""Database table used for storing :class:`~.Profile` settings
The table currently has only 2 fields, for the :attr:`` and pickle bytes of the profile
__tablename__ = 'profiles'
name = Column(String, primary_key=True) #: The :class:`~.Profile` name
config = Column(LargeBinary) #: The pickle bytes from :meth:`.Profile.to_pickle()`
def __repr__(self):
return "<Profiles(name='{}')>".format(
[docs]class DBConnection:
"""Database Connection class with context management ooh wow
Uses ``SQLAlchemy`` to connect and interact with the database specified by :attr:`DATABASE_URL` environment variable
**Sample Usage**::
def poop_check():
with DBConnection() as db:
if db.query_profile(name="POOP").first():
raise FileExistsError('DELETE THIS NEPHEW......')
"""The currently active session; closed on object exit
:type: :class:`~.sqlalchemy.orm.scoping.scoped_session`
"""The engine for the currently set :attr:`DATABASE_URL`; reused after first connection
:type: :class:`~.sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine`
def __enter__(self):
raise EnvironmentError('Must set the DATABASE_URL environment variable')
if not self.ENGINE:
engine = create_engine(DATABASE_URL, echo=False)
DBConnection.ENGINE = engine
if not self.SESSION:
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
DBConnection.SESSION = None
[docs] @staticmethod
def connect() -> None:
"""Creates a :class:`~.sqlalchemy.orm.scoping.scoped_session` and assigns it to :attr:`DBConnection.SESSION`"""
DBConnection.SESSION = scoped_session(sessionmaker(bind=DBConnection.ENGINE))
[docs] def query_profile(self, name: str) -> Query:
"""Queries the database for a :class:`~.Profile` by its name
:param name: the profile name (ie. the :attr:``)
:returns: the :class:`~sqlalchemy.orm.Query` NOT the :class:`~.Profile`
return self.SESSION.query(Profiles).filter_by(name=name)
[docs] def load_profile(self, name: str) -> InstaTweet.Profile:
"""Loads a profile from the database by name
:param name: the profile name (ie. the :attr:``)
:raises LookupError: if the database has no profile saved with the specified name
if profile := self.query_profile(name).first():
return pickle.loads(profile.config)
raise LookupError(f"No database profile found with the name {name}")
[docs] def save_profile(self, profile: InstaTweet.Profile, alert: bool = True) -> bool:
"""Saves a :class:`~.Profile` to the database by either updating an existing row or inserting a new one
:param profile: the :class:`~.Profile` to save
:param alert: if ``True``, will print a message upon successfully saving
if (db_profile := self.query_profile(
if profile.local: # Would only happen if saved directly through this class [not recommended]
raise ResourceWarning( # Save through the Profile itself to avoid this
f"Database profile with the name {} already exists")
db_profile.update({'config': profile.to_pickle()})
new_profile = Profiles(, config=profile.to_pickle())
if alert:
print(f"Saved Database Profile: {}")
return True
[docs] def delete_profile(self, name: str, alert: bool = True) -> bool:
"""Deletes a :class:`~.Profile` from the database by name
:param name: the profile name (ie. the :attr:``)
:param alert: if ``True``, will print a message upon successfully deleting
if not (profile := self.query_profile(name).first()):
raise LookupError(f"No database profile found with the name {name}")
if alert:
print(f'Deleted Database Profile: {name}')
return True