✨🐥 InstaTweet 🐤✨

PyPI Version GitHub Repository https://static.pepy.tech/personalized-badge/insta-tweet?period=total&units=none&left_color=grey&right_color=blue&left_text=Downloads Documentation Status

Automatically Repost Content From Instagram to Twitter

Ever tried sharing an Instagram post to Twitter, only to find out that all you tweeted was a link, and not the actual photo/video?

Sharing an Instagram post to Twitter directly from the Instagram app. Only a link appears. It could be literally anything, nobody will click it.

‎ Humiliating 🤮

That could be literally anything. Nobody will click it.

InstaTweet shares the actual content of the post. Not just a link to it.

Sharing an Instagram post to Twitter using InstaTweet. The actual photo or video appears in the tweet. It's a thicc cat, very handsome. Nobody will click the link, but they'll definitely see this bad boy.

With InstaTweet, you can rest easy knowing that, although nobody will click the link, they’ll at least see what you posted.

What’s InstaTweet?

InstaTweet is a customizable tool to automatically repost content from Instagram to Twitter.

Simply create a Profile, configure the Mandatory Settings, and add_pages() to repost from

from InstaTweet import Profile

# Create a new (local) Profile
>>> profile = Profile('myProfile')

# Configure the mandatory settings (at minimum)
>>> profile.twitter_keys = twitter_api_keys
>>> profile.session_id = '6011991A'

# Add at least one Instagram page (user/hashtag) to repost from
>>> profile.add_pages(['the.dailykitten', '#thedailykitten'])

 # Save the Profile [optional]
>>> profile.save()

Saved Local Profile myProfile

Once configured, the Profile can be used to initialize and start() InstaTweet:

from InstaTweet import InstaTweet

# Directly initialize with a Profile object
>>> insta_tweet = InstaTweet(profile)

# Or load a saved Profile by name
>>> insta_tweet = InstaTweet.load("myProfile")

# Run InstaTweet by calling start()
>>> insta_tweet.start()

From the Docs…

InstaTweet.start(max_posts=12)[source]View on GitHub

InstaTweets all pages that have been added to the loaded Profile

The most recent posts from each page will be scraped, then compared to the scraped list in the PAGE_MAPPING to determine which are new.

Up to max_posts new posts from each page will then be downloaded and tweeted


If InstaTweet fails to download_post() or send_tweet(), the PAGE_MAPPING won’t be updated

  • This ensures that failed repost attempts are retried in the next call to start()

If a save file for the Profile already exists, successful reposts will trigger a call to save()


max_posts (int) – the maximum number of new posts to download and tweet per page

As InstaTweet runs, its progress will be logged to console:

Starting InstaTweet for Profile: myProfile
Checking posts from @the.dailykitten
Checking posts from #thedailykitten
Finished insta-tweeting for #thedailykitten
All pages have been insta-tweeted

Okay… But Why? 😟

But Why? 🤨

InstaTweet has two main use cases:

  • To automatically share your own Instagram posts to Twitter

  • To automatically tweet new content from other Instagram users/hashtags

Regardless of your intention, InstaTweet will detect new posts from the pages you specify, download them, and repost them to Twitter.

Other Use Case: The InstaClient

The package’s custom InstaClient can be used separately to scrape Instagram

from InstaTweet import InstaClient

>>> ig = InstaClient(session_id="kjfdn309wredsfl")

# Scrape Instagram user or hashtag
>>> user = ig.get_user('dailykittenig')
>>> hashtag = ig.get_hashtag('#dailykitten')
>>> print(user, hashtag, sep='\n')

Instagram User: @dailykittenig
Instagram Hashtag: #dailykitten

# Download most recent post
>>> post = user.posts[0]
>>> print(post)
>>> ig.download_post(post)

Post 2981866202934977614 by @dailykittenig on 2022-11-29 01:44:37
Downloaded post https://www.instagram.com/p/Clht4NRrqRO by dailykittenig to C:\path\to\insta-tweet\downloads\2981866202934977614.mp4


To install using pip:

pip install insta-tweet

Please note that InstaTweet requires Python >= 3.8


See the sidebar or below for the rest of the README and package documentation